(It's a goal for Jesus)

"Hi...Good evening Sister Derin. I'm calling from BLW GROUP 2...How are you doing?...Oh! Great...I'm excellent, also...Sister Derin, how many healing centers do you have confirmed?...Out of those nine, how many are confirmed...Oh..Okay...So, two are on-site...Did you get the information concerning every cell memeber a healing center?...So, how many of your cell memebers have generated their virtual healing center links?...35?...Did you say 35?...Wow...Thank you so much Sister Derin for this very inspiring report...Pastor sir says thank you and he loves you very much...I love you too. Please, send all the links that have been generated to me on KingsChat now, Sister Dee" Melody said at intervals
Melody wrote something on her notepad then she picked her phone to record something on her notepad.
"Sister Grace, you know we're roommates. Please, give me an inspiring report". Melody said
"I have three virtual centers confirmed" Grace responded
Melody stared at Grace expecting her to continue.
"And?" Melody added
"I was to have on-site healing centers but I don't think that will hold anymore"
"Why? What led to such decision?"
"The people in charge of the venues changed plans besides, I don't think people would really come"
"Why would you say that?  Our highly esteemed Pastor sir taught us to fight. Obviously, it's the plan of the plan of the devil for it would not happen. So, you're going to make it work. You've got the Name of Jesus. Use it!"
"Actually, the Holy Ghost is actually monitoring the publicity of the healing streams that is who is working and who is not. It's actually going to shake the world" Sister Ope added
"Well, I had a conversation with the Holy Spirit I asked the Holy Ghost  what's on HIS mind. I was and the Lord said to my spirit in the most beautiful voice I've ever heard "Healing streams" and when He said 'healing streams', I thought there is a need for exchanging my thought for God's thought and I started working towards it but I'm not just getting it right" Sister Grace said sincerely
She knew what to do but she also felt lazy.
"The healing streams is a strategy of the Lord in achieving seven billion trained workforce in LoveWorld for the Lord aside us and you're a part of it. Make up your mind to be a big part of it."
"The cell is a supply system for our Church and it's through healing streams you can achieve this."
Melody explained further
Her hands were on Grace's shoulder as she spoke to her with love.
"Healing is the children's bread. There are a lot of 'nepios' out there ignorant of divine health but here is the healing streams - their hope for a better tomorrow because Jesus is going to make them well. Bread is in great demand and that also means healing and miracles. Why not give it to them?" Sister Ope added
She wiped her face with a towel and flashed a smile at Grace.
Grace looked as though she wanted to cry.
Her demeanor changed.
She understood all they had said and she had those convictions too but she needed to hear more.
She had not seen why she needed healing centres.
"Sister Grace, I want you to know that these healing centres you ought to have is ochestrated by the Holy Ghost because you can not not have them. You have to fight to have them because the devil would try to stop you because there'd be salvation, healings and miracles in each healing centres and he'd lose souls."
"You've got to fulfil your call as a cell leader. There is timing for what God's planned for you to do" Ope held her cheek and caressed it to stop her from crying.
"One of the most painful things is seeing someone doing what God called you to do. Fulfil your call." Bunmi said
That hit deeply. They wanted to her to see the way God sees.
They spoke out of love. They were controlled by the Holy Spirit to speak to her.
She finally understood the burden of the Spirit.
"There is a burden of the Spirit to fulfil God's call and that's what our highly esteemed Pastor sir has been teaching us these past few days. Fulfil your call." Melody said then she asked Grace "So, how many virtual healing centres will you be having?"
"Fifteen. I've confirmed two. I'd confirm the rest. Thank you so much guys for being intrested in me fulfiling my call"
Melody rolled her eyes as the sang "That's what 'sistrens' are for"

The healing streams is the largest healing crusade and it's bigger than every other that has happened. Are you ready?
Have you confirmed your healing centres?
Are your virtual healing centres ready?
Be ready!
Let's go!
We move!

#blwgroup2 #blwcampusministryrocks #healingstreams #healingstreamstv #healingtothenations


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