My Rhapsody Testimony
(Reach Out Nigeria Edition)
Inspired by The Holy Spirit ❤️

Final Chapter.

At this point, I wasn't scared of sin, anymore. I wasn't going to get close to Jesus because of sin or because I wanted to avoid sin. I wanted to be close to Jesus. I wanted to find a friend in HIM. I wanted to be different. 
'A new creation' -that's what he called the different person I'd become if I made Jesus the Lord Jesus Christ my Lord and I was happy to be a new creation.
"Yeah" I said sincerely and I saw the different times I wanted to make Jesus my Lord at several phases in my life in a flash.
I had never been this genuine because this was the Truth.
I asked him a lot of questions about salvation.
I sighed heavily when I was done with the question session and he just smiled.
"I want you to repeat after me in prayer but I want you to know that you're praying to God."
He told me what to say. No one ever told me what to say. I cried from start to finish yet I didn't know why you're crying.
I wiped the tears that trickled down my cheeks with the back of my palm.
"I love YOU, Jesus" I said sweetly
Alex was grinning broadly.
He prayed with me and then he laid hands on me and he said "receive the Holy Spirit" .

I didn't speak in tongues, though.
He assured me that I had the Holy Spirit and with fellowship with the Holy Spirit, I'd be blasting in tongues soon.

"Ensure you study the Rhapsody of Realities daily. It would help you grow" he said again
"Alex, I would. I promise" I assured

He helped me up and I returned to the room.
Two hours after he left, I picked up the rhapsody of realities and I started to read. I noticed the pain had reduced.
Walking was much easier like when the pain had just started. I moved swiftly too.

On the tenth day in the month of October, I got my miracle.
I had been consistent with studying the Scriptures and Rhapsody.
I was reading on "Speaking and creating what you want". Pastor Chris sir explained that confessing sickness was wrong.
The Rhapsody fell from my hands and I bent to pick it up.
I sat upright then as I took the confessions, the Holy Spirit said "You picked up the Rhapsody of Realities without feeling any pain".

I stood up in response and I started to jump because I couldn't feel the pain anymore.
It felt different.
I was on the floor with my head bowing.
I kept saying "Thank YOU, Jesus" then I started speaking in tongues.
At first, I paused then I continued till I couldn't control tears anymore.

Back to present

My phone rang jerking me out of my thoughts.

I picked Alex' call.
"Esteemed cell leader, how are you doing?" he asked
"I'm excellent and full of the Glory of God, sir" I screamed
"What are you up to? You sound so happy"
"I was thinking about last year when I received my miracle" 
"Our friendship is officially one year" he said happily
"You're my senior cell leader, o" I laughed
"I'm rolling my eyes here, Arinola. Pastor sir actually called me few minutes ago and he said you sponsored five outreaches and I couldn't help but smile. Your convictions really made you sponsor more"
"The more copies we sponsor, the more people can receive their healings and miracles" I replied
"I'm just simply doing what God told me to do, Brother Alex" I added
"That's amazing" he said
"Let me pray for you before I end the call. I'd see you in Church on few minutes. I hope you're wearing the green gele I told you to wear"
I laughed.
"Yes sir"
He prayed for me for few minutes and said "Pastor sir said you'd be sharing your testimony on set on Sunday.
I screamed. I had always wanted to be on set.
"Thank YOU, Jesus" I screamed
"Thank you, Brother Alex"
"Thank you, Sister Arinola. I'd see you later. Bye"

I have so many convictions and that's why I'd always be involved in sponsoring copies of Rhapsody.
I smiled.
Number three- "Jesus is Hope. God's Word is Hope. Jesus is God's Word and the Rhapsody has God's Word. Rhapsody is hope- hope that men can receive the Gospel of Truth and know Jesus genuinely for themselves" 

I tied my gele and stared at the mirror for seconds.
"Thank YOU Jesus, YOU gave me YOUR Life and all things are new now" I screamed spreading my arms.

o-used for emphasis in a discussion.
gele-a yoruba hair tie worn by women for the purpose of adornment.
For questions and sponsorship of the Rhapsody of realities (Reach out Nigeria edition-The October edition for people in Nigeria), Kindly call 08182202189 or send me a message on KingsChat, Yookos, AtomGram, Instagram and Facebook @mightyderinleu.
1 copy = ₦300
10 copies = ₦3000
100 copies = ₦30000
100 copies = 1 outreach = ₦30000
Thank you for reading ❤️


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