Inspired by the Holy Spirit ❤️✨

My Rhapsody Testimony
(Rhapsody of Realities edition).

I laid on my bed and sang along as the song played.
It was the Rhapsody of Realities reach out Nigeria season and I was so excited because 
I stared at the season and I went through the convictions I had concerning sponsoring the Rhapsody of Realities.
"Number one," I said
"When the Lord asks me in Heaven, "what did you do with Rhapsody', I want to say 'I took it to the whole world' ".
My Pastor says "If you use 'being shy about preaching the Gospel' as an excuse for not winning souls in Heaven. God will say 'I gave you, Rhapsody. What did you do with it? That's because, with the Rhapsody of Realities, you can start a conversation"
I remember every single detail about the day I got saved. It was God.
The Rhapsody of Realities played a major part in the conversation that led to making Jesus the Lord of my life.
My legs ached so bad that afternoon and I was tired of laying on the bed. I complained and sighed till my mum let me leave the room to step outside.
The pains of every step made me trudge gently.
"What was happening?" I had thought when I heard noise from a distance
It was a national holiday. Who decided to disturb the environment on a day for people to rest and not go anywhere?
The music and shouts got louder as the distance got shorted then it clicked that it was a celebration.
The lorry stopped opposite the building I lived in.
I watched as a lot of people sang in their green and white attires and painted faces.
"Is Nigeria really worth celebrating?" I rolled my eyes.
"Jesus is hope" a lady in the lorry said
"It's a Church, sef", I said
"Christ Embassy. Reach out Nigeria" I read out from the banner on the van.
Which Church is this one again?
"Jesus is hope. Hope that everything can get better and be better. There's no going up and down with Jesus" She had said and I saw that people alighted from the bus with books in their hands. They distributed the books among themselves and I watched as they entered different homes.
I wanted a copy of the book for some reasons I didn't understand.
"You that you will not read it," I said to myself jokingly
Was it because of what this lady had said? It struck me and I had never heard anyone speak like that. She spoke with so much boldness and I wondered where the confidence came from. How could anyone say there's a life you can you enjoy without going down. I've never seen it. I've never experienced it. I had never heard that before. Suffering was like a norm for people like me but she was saying suffering can end with Jesus. Sincerely, that got me. I was interested in whatever they were doing.
"That's because she's not speaking about your experiences. She's saying 'There's something better than what you might have been used to" 'something' told me.
"Well, that makes sense" I replied the voice.
A boy stood at the gate. He looked as though he was unsure of coming here to talk to me.
"Besides, I never knew they were preaching. I'd not have hissed" I said to myself
The boy finally walked in.
I smiled and waved.
He smiled back.
"My name is Alex" he said
"I'd like you to have this copy of the Rhapsody of Realities"
"Sorry, what did you say?"
"The book. The Rhapsody of Realities. I'd like you to have it"
"Why did you stand in front of the gate unsure if letting me know Jesus was worth it?"
"I've never really approached girls. God told me to meet you"
"God told you?" I asked sizing him 
He looked like he was sixteen.
If God was talking to him, why was it difficult for me (a teenager) to hear God?
I started thinking of all I've done. Every day, I lived believing God was angry with me because of something I had done that didn't please HIM.
I confessed my sins several times every day and it just didn't get better. I try to study the BIBLE but the zeal to runs off too easily.
"Yup" he nodded
"Thanks for the Rhapsody. What that lady in the lorry said about 'Jesus being hope and HE can make everything better'. Can you explain it to me?"
He stared at me like wanted to know if I was asking to joke with him or something.
"In the natural world, man has no hope. Everything goes up, if they go up to come down then they stay down. That's why you have a lot of from 'plenty to nothing' people in the world. In the natural world, there's no hope. Nothing can be their hope. Jesus is Hope. HE is the only Hope of man that's why we, Christians can't keep quiet about it because Christ is the Hope of man".
Christ is the only Hope man has. Christ brings lifting for those who have been down. HE makes them stay up. Christ brings divine health for those who need wellness. They can be well because of Jesus. You see..." he paused because someone came to whisper to him
I took time to reflect on what he said concerning wellness.
"You said I can be well"
"I said Christ brings divine health for those who need wellness"
"You said I can be well" I reiterated showing him my walking aid
"Yeah, sure. You can" he said
"It's even better because in the Kingdom of our God, God has total health and not just healing. Divine health features never experiencing sickness because such person is a child of God"
"Are we not all children of God? Why are people still sick?"
"Well, many sons of God don't know this and you can't walk in the blessings of something you don't know"
"So, that's why people get sick"
"Also, not everyone is a child of God. A child of God is born again"
"Are you born again?" He asked
I was stunned.
"And how old are you, again?" I joked with a weird look
No one ever asked me that question.
He laughed.
I didn't probe further because he thought I was joking.
"To be really honest, I can't say I am born again. We still have sin in our lives and we don't please God"
He smiled and said "God loves you and HE wants you. HIS Son Jesus is the Hope that you can be better" he said
He explained further what sin, forgiveness, and righteousness meant.
"Pray for me" I told him
"Sure. I'd love to lead you to Christ the BIBLE way first"
"Yes. I want to give my heart to Christ. I want everything better. I actually want to know Jesus better than I do"
"What do you know about Jesus?"
"Jesus is Hope. Jesus is our Lord and Saviour"
"Now, do you want to make HIM your Lord?"

Do you want to make Jesus the Lord of your life?

I invite you to make Jesus the Lord of your Life.

Say this words (in the prayer of salvation below) and mean them with all your heart.


O Lord God , I believe with all my heart in Jesus Christ , son of the Living God. I believe HE died for me and God raised HIM from the dead. I believe HE is alive today . I confess with my mouth that Jesus Christ is the Lord of my Life from this day. Through HIM and in HIS Name , I have eternal Life; I'm born again. Thank YOU Lord , for saving my soul ! I'm now a child of God.

Congratulations, if you've prayed that prayer.
I want you to know that God heard you.
I'd love to pray with you.
Kindly reach me using KingsChat, Yookos, AtomGram, Instagram and Facebook @ mightyderinleu
You can also send a text message to me using 08182202189.
Jesus loves you ❤️
Au revoir 👋

Keep checking the page for the second part of the story.


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