Title: The urgency of the last hour (My first experience at BLW UNILAG)


I spoke in tongues for few minutes and I muttered few words in prayer.
"Thank YOU, Jesus," I said with a squeak
"Lord, help me. I prayed"
"I am helping you, Aanu," God said
"Yeah," I sighed
I sat upright on my bed then my roommate, Kafayat asked what time I was going to Church.
"Service starts at 8:00 am. I'd be leaving soon".
A member of my Church walked in.
I knew she came to check if I was ready for Church.
"Someone invited me for service at Believers' LoveWorld," I told her
"You should have told me. Don't you have your Church?" She snapped at me.
I ignored her then she left.
I was certain that it was God's plan for me to be there and today.
I checked the time. It was 7:35 am and I was ready for Church service.
I saw missed calls from the person that invited me.
I sent a message "Is the bus here? I'm so sorry I missed your calls,"
"Yes, please. The bus is downstairs," she replied with a text
I remembered how I met her. She came to my class to preach the Gospel.
I listened with rapt attention.
"Hear her" The Lord had told me and I stopped reading.
When she was done, I heard the Holy Ghost tell me "Follow her" and I did.
She collected my number and we started talking then she invited me to Church.
I'd have said "no" but something was different.
"What's so special about this Church?" I wondered
God told me to pray in tongues by 1:00 am for the service.
"I pray I don't sleep in service," I said to God
"You won't sleep. Don't worry," God replied
"I'm ready," Kafayat said jerking me out of my thoughts.
"Ready for what?"
"Oh. You want to come to Church?" She said
"I guess I won a soul already," I told God
I'm sure God rolled His eyes at me.
I laughed.
We locked the door to the room and I ran down the stairs.
"I'm so sorry for keeping you waiting, Sister Kemi," I told her.
"It's fine," She said to me.

In Church, I sat wondering why God really wanted me there.
I spoke in tongues for an hour for the service.
I remember my recent conversation with a member of my Church.
"What more do you want?" He had told me
"There has to be more in God than just speaking in tongues and praying. Saying "Thank you, Lord" and having good health." I replied
"I don't know what more you want, Oliver Twist," he joked
"It's not a joke. I still feel empty sometimes".
"You don't need to feel empty. You have the Holy Spirit inside of you" He lectured
"That's not what I meant. I meant there's something I'm not doing right or at all"
"You have the Holy Spirit in you. You hear God. You hear God and you said you see visions. Just ask the Holy Spirit what it is." He told me and he l
I sighed heavily
"What is it, Lord?" I asked when I realized I never asked God
"You're about to find out," God replied
The service started with an opening prayer led by a brother.
I worshipped and praised God like I never did before.
I affirmed that I was about to find out what God wanted me to.
God talked to me. I kept saying things like, "Lord, I'd win souls", "I'll tell more people about YOU,".
God said "Tell people about Me,"
I felt like I got my answer. I just didn't know the Word yet.
The next person to come up was a Pastor.
He spoke about fellowship.
There was just something different about this Church.
There was joy and peace. There was a fellowship.
We were worshiping and another Pastor was on stage.
He worshipped with so much reverence to God.
I was distracted suddenly. My eyes and ears seemed to see and hear everything.
"Sit down, everyone," he said.
He started teaching the Word and I could say I've never heard anyone speak like him.
"He speaks so much like Pastor Chris," I noted
I noticed Kafayat was also writing.
He mentioned soul winning.
"Yes! That's it," God said
I almost screamed "I got it"
How did I not know?
"Lord, I don't know how to win souls, what to say and what to do,"
"He will teach you, Aanu. Don't worry,"
I knew I had the answers to my questions. The key to this feeling of fulfillment was here.
The Pastor explained soul winning and it included how to start, what to talk about and he added that whatever the conversation would be, it would be inspired by the Holy Spirit.
"Winning is important. This is a service of decision" Pastor Henry said
"So, you're going to be making decisions today," The Lord said to me
"The Holy Spirit is ministering different things to all of you," Pastor said
"What decisions would you like me to make, Lord?" I inquired
"If you are not a soul winner you are no more my friend. Period!
You can't be burning your bridges and be creating another one" He said and the Church shouted something that sounded like "Ayaaa".
"Yeah, I heard a lot about believers' Love World and it's their excitement for me," Kafayat whispered to me
"The idea of the race is to KEEP ANNOUNCING," He said
"Yes sir." I said
That was a decision right there.
I heard Words that provoked me to do.
"Make up your mind to win souls," I wrote at the right-hand corner of my note,"
Tears rolled down my eyes.
"There's a depth in God you'd not know until you win souls. Make up your mind," I heard several times
"I'd win souls. I'd be a soul winner. I'd give you ten committed souls this year, Lord, I'd do it." I said with tears still flowing down my cheek.
I was really inspired to start something. I wanted to reach people for Jesus.
I just wanted people to know and experience this love, intimacy, and joy we do in Christ Jesus.
Pastor Henry already explained to us what soul winning is and how to go about it.
"I'd join the workforce of the Lord. I'm going to do it," I had said to myself.
It was an atmosphere of possibilities. I wasn't unsure about not doing it.
I saw myself doing then I declared that what I had seen would become a reality.
When the service ended, God told me to wait after service. HE what to say to Sister Kemisola. I'd rather stay here and do what God would have me do.
Kafayat looked changed. I'm sure she was.
"I gave my heart to Christ," She whispered to me after the meeting with the first-timers.
I muttered, "Thank YOU, Jesus".
"Congratulations," I beamed.
"I spoke in tongues too."
I walked towards Sister Kemisola where she stood. I had something to say to her.
She looked at me then she smiled.
"I want to be a member of this Church," I told her.

 Inspired by The Holy Spirit ❤️🔥

Writer: Derinleu

Disclaimer: This is series featuring fictional experiences of members in Believers' LoveWorld all around campus ministry. You can share your story with us. Let's feature your zone and chapter.



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