(Decisions on love)

Please, if you have not read the story -Choices. 
You have to read it before you read this and you might have to go back to it even if you've read it.
Click here to read the story.

"Are you done?" I said to David
"With practice. Sure, yeah. I'll see you tomorrow in the library" he replied
"Huh? Don't disturb me when I'm there." I warned sternly
"I'm just coming to read" he joked
I just knew he was coming to disturb me.
David and I stared at each other for a split second then I looked away shyly.
He smiled, waved and walked away. I stood there staring till he left the basketball court.
"Yo. Sophia , what's up with you and David?" Salma probed jerking me out of my thoughts.
"Nothing. We were just talking about the my job at the library" I replied her
"Of course. Yeah , you were" she rolled her eyes
"We were just talking. I don't have to make you believe" I snapped at her
"I'm sorry" I said immediately I realised what I had just done
"It's fine. I thought you said he asked you out"
"And I said no..." My hands were stretched out and I had a look that meant "so?"
"I don't have to ignore him because I didn't agree to go out with him or do I?" I added
"That's not my point?"
"Then what is it?"
"Do you like him?"
"Of course , I do"
"Then why did you say no?"
"I'm not ready for any relationship and it's not just the right time"
"Really? Your body language when you see him shows the opposite"
"What does that even mean?"
"If you like him, deal with it. Awakening love when it's not the right time is doing yourself harm. I've been watching you for days and It's like you're telling him you like him "
I hissed.
"I hope you're done talking. I wasn't hiding the fact that I have feelings for him. Then again, it's none of your business"
She walked away shaking her head.
I get it. I totally get it.
Give me a break.
I know she's looking out for me but why did she talk to me like talking to a boy is wrong or letting David know I like him is wrong.
Besides, Salma doesn't get me.
I got home. David, his smell, his words and everything about him occupied my thoughts.
It was time for my evening fellowship time with God. I took my journal and I sat on the chair. My left leg was on the chair and the other on reading table.
"Lord , please, help me to get these distractions out for now" I said with a squeak
My room was quiet but it felt noisy and all I could hear was David's voice.
Tears rolled down my cheeks.
"I'm so sorry, Lord. I'm trying really hard to get rid of the feelings. My efforts aren't enough. Help me"
"Stop lying to yourself" I heard
I knew that was God.
I placed my legs under the table.
"It's time to stop telling yourself that you don't like him and it's just normal feelings when you know you're lying to yourself. It's time to stop telling yourself that you have to feel something for him because you don't want him to be sad. There is nothing normal about distractions" HE continued
It felt really good hearing God's voice after days of distractions.
The feelings came back just because someone on our basketball team had said "David is cute and anyone in a relationship with him is lucky". 
I suddenly felt lucky because he asked me to be in a relationship with him and I started noticing all the amazing features I never considered then I started lying to myself about what I was feeling
 Plus, I knew it wasn't love.
I wrote it down in my journal.
"Talk to the Holy Spirit about it. You've been trying to handle it on your own without strategies and plans. Avoiding the feelings, avoiding him and telling him how you feel are plans that will fail. You'd end up allowing more distractions"
"Let go. Letting Go is letting God. You don't have to do this. Let God rule your emotions. Make it a conscious decision. You're not allowing your emotions. You're allowing God. In letting go, you're not the one to text him first if he hasn't replied for hours or minutes."
"Listen to messages a lot. Get PCDL and just keep listening to messages." God told me
"Yes, Lord" I replied when I was done writing.
I worshipped for real, this time.
It felt different.
"I missed your voice, Sophia" God said
I cried.
*I'm never allowing distractions again* I said to myself
I flipped through the pages of my journal. 
"God and I " I read out from the first page of the journal.
I decided to read 1st Corinthians 13 to get the truth concerning true love from the Word of God.
I wanted to write all I learnt in my journal then I saw a note I pinned on a page in the journal.
"So this is my prayer: that your love will flourish and that you will not only love much but well. Learn to love appropriately. You need to use your head and test your feelings so that your love is sincere and intelligent, not sentimental gush. Live a lover's life, circumspect and exemplary, a life Jesus will be proud of:" Phillipians 1:9-10 
I understood the message from the Lord.

A lot of teenagers have someone they are crushing on or someone they had feelings for.
A lot of people don't handle it well and they go with the flow and let their emotions rule them.
Why do that when you can let true love lead?
Let Love!
Let God!
Letting God is a beautiful decision ❤️
Make that choice today.
Stay focussed on where you're going.
God is taking you somewhere and He doesn't want you doing something He hasn't called you to do.
You see when these feelings come.
Just sit down with messages and listen to it 😩
When you're done, all these feelings would have gone.
Tried it 🚶‍♀️🚶‍♀️🚶‍♀️
Besides, the points were given to me by the Holy Ghost.
So, use it 😂
Don't go where God isn't leading you.
Distractions can come in different forms.
It might not even be with boys.
It can be your books.
Your academics can lead you instead of God.
No matter what it is, don't try to let your emotions or strategies lead.
Allow the Master Strategist- The extraordinary Strategist. Yup, that's the Holy Spirit and HE does HIS Work perfectly.
Yes, trust HIM.
Trust God.

Recommendation: The Bible by the Holy Spirit
*Now that you are born again by Pastor Chris Oyakhilome
*The Holy Spirit and you.
*Seven things the Holy Spirit will do in you by Pastor Chris Oyakhilome
*Seven things the Holy Spirit will do for you by Pastor Chris Oyakhilome
*Good morning, Holy Spirit by Pastor Benny Hinn

Inspired by the Holy Spirit ❤️
Thank you Pastor Chris for Teevo Rhapsody.
Thank you for reading.

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