Inspired by the Holy Spirit ❤️

Love Letters 💌-Part Three
(To all the spiritual friends I love. P.S I love you)

Sophia's point of view

I walked through the hallway. I love the way I looked in my white gown and sneakers.
 Who says Christians can't rock dresses?
My air-pod played "perfection" by Moses Bliss.
"Mood" I yelled It was just 6:45am. I went to school early because I needed to place the gifts on the desks of my classmates.
They were cookies and they each had a Bible verse card attached to it. I placed the twentieth one then I heard the Holy Spirit say, "Why not place them in their lockers?"
I found bars of chocolates in everyone's locker including mine. I smiled.
I went to the Library to pray for few minutes before school activities started. It was a lecture free day because of the party we had. I sat on the chair and placed my head on the table when I was done praying then I opened my worship playlist and I sang along till I slept.

Amber's point of view

I walked in to the library and I screamed, "Yo baby!” I saw Sophia sleeping. She looks so amazing even when she sleeps. I saw her valentine's day present in my locker when I got to school. It was a gift box with a perfume oil,   cupcakes, a jewelry set, chocolate bars, cookies and a gift card. Sophia was really a friend. I remember the day we first met. She looked really beautiful so I wanted to be her friend. Her uniform had a perfect fitting and she had a straight face and it was obvious she didn't want to be in the school.

"Dear Amber,

You're the twin sister that I had always wanted. Thank you for being you. Thanks for being there. I love you.
I've watched you grow since you received Christ in the things of God and it has been amazing. I've seen you smile and laugh and it makes me happy.
Have I ever told you your smile is contagious?
I remember the day you walked up to me and said, "Sophia, I want to give my heart to Christ. I want to know God more. Please, can you tell me more about God?". Woah! I almost cried. I like it when you call me "S for Sophia" and yes, it's really weird but I'll take it.
I love you so much and I'm serious about it. I'm sure I say it to you every-time but my love for you is legit.
Happy Valentine's day.
P.S Would you like to go out on date with me?
   A Soul Winning date plus a movie date right after. 
Your sweet sister,
S for Sophia." I read out loud.

Phileo walked into the library and I signaled for him to be quiet because Sophia was sleeping. We went to the librarian's desk and he brought out a gift bag for me then he said, "Happy Valentine's day, little sister"..
"Please, stop calling me little sister." I laughed. "Can I open it?" 
"Sure, if you want to."
I opened the gift box. It was a necklace and it had my name on it. I stared at him and didn't know what to say. He didn't say anything either. He was grinning broadly.
"Thank you so much, Phileo. I love it. I really do." I finally said.
"Yuh. You just have to." he teased.
"Here's your gift," I told him and I gave him a wrapped package.
"Hmm...For Phileo." He smiled at the inscription on the sticky note I placed on the box.
"Don't open it" I told him
"Why are you disturbing me?" Sophia cried out suddenly awake. 
"Who sleeps this early?" I laughed. 
"I didn't sleep well and I got here early plus Rhema woke me up 3:30am this morning." she whined.
"I'm sorry, dear." Phileo and I chorused.
"Happy Valentine's day, guys." she said sweetly.
"Happy Valentine's day, Soph." Phileo said.
"Happy Valentine's day, baby girl." I replied.
"Let me get your gift." I said and I ran out of the library.

Sophia's point of view

"Why are you smiling?" Phileo asked jerking me put of my thoughts.
"Huh... It's Amber. She's so cute."
"I know, right."
He placed a gift bag on my lap. "That's for the best prayer partner in the world"
I smiled sweetly. I hurried to where I sat to get his gift box.
"And here's the gift for my amazing prayer partner." He rolled his eyes.
"Can I open it here?"
"Sure, if you want to."
"Open yours first."
"I didn't want to but I will.”
I opened the wrapped gift.
"Yaaaay, these boots" I danced heartily.
"Thanks a lot." I told him. 
"Then this," He brought out a jewelry box then opened it. It was a necklace with my name and a crown symbol beside the name. Tears rolled down my cheeks. I was the best gift ever. "Phil!" I cried.
"Let me help you with that." He stood to put the necklace well. "I like it.”
"I love it" I told him.
He opened his gift box and he grinned broadly."Mhen, this cupcake." he said with a funny accent.
I arched a brow, "what about it?"
"I'll eat it alone" he laughed.
"Hmm...A letter." 
"Please, don't read it here." I took it from him before he could open it.
"I won't read it first. You will" He flashed a slight smile. I pouted and I dropped the letter on the table.
"Chocolates. Cookies. Movie tickets. Why are there two movie tickets?" He asked.
"Oh. It should be for Amber, actually" I smiled.
"The star of the gifts. A customized prayer journal." He smiled sweetly.
"Let me read the letter before Amber comes in. It's quite long."
"Never mind. I'll do it myself. ” He picked the letter before I could.
"Can you turn?" I pleaded.
"Nope! I want to stare at you"

"Dear prayer partner,

Do you remember the day I figured you were smart and we attended the same church and I said to you 'let's engage in a holy competition?’
How can you ever forget it?
You beat me in partnership and soul winning every month. I think I want to stop this competition. I watch you when you pray. It's always so fervent. I remember the day the Lord told me to ask you to be my prayer partner. My biggest fear was what if it wasn't God that spoke to me and the Holy Spirit told you HE didn't tell me such.
I look at us and how long I pray now plus my attitude during prayer and I laugh because I never knew we'd come this far. I thought I'd give up in the first month but three months and many answered prayers later, we're still praying.
I love it when you give spiritual answers. I like the fact that you're so smart. I'm really glad I could talk to you about ministry and stuffs. I must have told I love you a million times and that's because I really do.
Cheers to many prayer times.
I love you.
Happy Valentine's day.
P.S I'd be taller than you one day.

Your big little sister, 
Soph." He read.

I smiled shyly. He kept looking at me without expressions on his face."I know you like it." I said.
"I don't know what to say yet. I'll send you a reply." he winked.
Amber walked in with a gift box and I collected it from her.
"See the way she collected it. What if it wasn't yours?"
"Amber, abeg jhor. I've been waiting for it for minutes.” “Where did you go?" I laughed.
"The principal called me."  
"What did he say?" Phileo asked.
"One funny stuff like that. Don't worry about it." 
She gave me a 'I'll tell you later' look.
"Wow." I said after opening the box I went on my knees. Tears rolled down my eyes without control.
Amber kept laughing and Phileo was patting my back.
I muttered "Thank You Jesus" twice.
"Amber...How did you?...Why?...What inspired this?" 
"Well, thank the Holy Spirit. He told me to get you this."
"Thank You Holy Spirit." I said as I looked at the customized fuchsia pink journal and the colored pens.
"I love the way your name was written on the journal." Phileo complimented.
"Guys." I cried and we did a group hug.

We talked for few minutes after sharing jokes then, Salma called me. She was crying. My gift to her surprised her greatly.
Rhema hugged me when I gave took her gift to her. Apparently, the slay queens didn't accept her gift.     She blamed me for it but I didn't care. I told her to give people that deserved it. I walked confidently into the school hall with a smile on my face. I looked at everyone.
A lot of exchanging of gifts were going on. My classmates saw the cookies and a lot of them guessed it was from Phileo. Someone told me he gives everyone gifts every year. I watched my Amber and Phileo. They were laughing.
I waved at them and they told me to sit with them. Having friends to celebrate is priceless. I've never felt this way in a long time.
Love is beautiful.

"Thank You, Holy Spirit for the love of God that's shed abroad in my heart. I love You, Mine."

Writer's point of view

Sophia had a wonderful relationship with her friends but she didn't joke with her relationship with God. It meant everything to her.
How is your relationship with God like?
Ignoring the question doesn't make it better.
Talk to God about it.
Get intimate with God.
Ask God to come eat with you.
Ask God when to do what to do.
Be involved in making it better.
Some say "I leave it all to you Lord" but a relationship is not a one person thing.
God is a person with emotions and feelings.
God can talk to you and you'd be so emotional and you'll break down into tears.
Today's Valentine's day and I already have testimonies.
God is ever faithful in relating with His sons all over the world and He is committed to the relationship. Relationship is a personal thing.
What will you do about it?
What change do you want to see in your relationship with God?
 Listening is a receptive skill acquired consciously.
Without listening, communication is impossible.
Prayer is a communication.
Prayer is a dialogue not a monologue.
If you didn't hear God, you didn't listen.
If you didn't listen, you only talked...
You didn't hear God speak.
 Listening is done consciously.
God is a talking God and God talks to a man that cares.
The question is 'do you care?'
Because a lot of people just want to pour their heart out to God and never listen to God.
It matters how you treat God.

If you'd like to start a relationship with God.
Say these words below and mean them.


O Lord God , I believe with all my heart in Jesus Christ , son of the Living God. I believe HE died for me and God raised HIM from the dead. I believe HE is alive today . I confess with my mouth that Jesus Christ is the Lord of my Life from this day. Through HIM and in HIS Name , I have eternal Life; I'm born again. Thank YOU Lord , for saving my soul ! I'm now a child of God.

Congratulations 💃💃 🎊
You're now born again and you can fellowship with the Lord.
You are now a member of the family of God.

Get in touch to share your salvation testimonies and receive more informations.
Send me a message on KingsChat , Yookos , AtomGram, Instagram and Twitter @derinleu

Editors: Gejumi and Tumininu ❤️

What happened to Sophia James, Phileo Martins and Amber Wonder after that?
Stay glued to the blog.
Another series is coming up sooooooon!!!

God bless you for reading, sharing, commenting in the Name of Jesus.

God loves you!
Yes, you and HE wants you to have a relationship with HIM.
You bet dates with God are so amazing.


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