Inspired by the Holy Spirit ❤️

Love Letters πŸ’Œ - Part Two
(Letter from God)

God is a Spirit and they that worship HIM must worship HIM in truth and in Spirit.

"Lift up your hands and simply say, “In the Name of Jesus Christ, I open my heart now, and I receive the Holy Spirit then by faith, receive as simply as you received Christ. While thanking Him, you may even now be filled with the Spirit, speaking with tongues and prophesying. " I said.
I heard several people speaking in tongues and it made me glad. I was in tears.
"As I've called you, do not run away from the work." God told me.
"I'll do this work, Lord. I will. I'm excited. No more running away" I cried.
I got a conviction from the word of God. The Gospel has been committed to my trust. I'm a minister- a minister of reconciliation.
"Take my gospel to the whole world." The Lord sang.
"Abba, I'm ready." I announced.
"See visions.” I said to everyone in the meeting as the Holy Spirit told me to.
I saw myself walking into my home. I held a letter close to my chest. I picked it from the mailbox before entering the house. I knelt and I prayed. I picked the letter from the floor then I opened it to read.
"Sophia dear,
I love you. I love it when you give attention to the Word of God. You've grown tremendously and you're growing excellently. Thank you for taking my Gospel to people. I'm proud of you. I see all that you do.
I am yours and you are Mine.
I am ALWAYS with you.
I have told you in my Word that I WILL NEVER leave you.
I love you so much.
Abba." I read out loud with tears in my eyes.
I was still speaking in tongues. I saw the testimonies my classmates had typed. I cried because I couldn't control my tears of Joy. I kept saying "Thank you Jesus".
A lot of them spoke in tongues. Fourteen gave their hearts to Christ. Nineteen attended the meeting. It was a fun time with the Holy Ghost. Phileo prayed to close the meeting.
I laid on my bed after the meeting.I remembered every detail of the vision and I wrote them down in my journal and I titled it, "Letter from God".
I flipped through the pages of my journal and I smiled at the various letters I had written to God.
I prayed and I worshipped.
Few minutes before Valentine's day, I stared at my gifts and I looked at them again. Having people to call friends made everything beautiful. I added finishing touches to the gift box I made for my cell leader and I brought the letter out of the box to read.
"Dearest Sister Oyindamola,
Thank you. I love you.
You are special to me. Thank you for being spiritual.
Thank you for not giving up on me.
Thank you for loving me the way you do.
Thank you for saying 'yes' to the vision.
Yes, I'm with you, ma.
I'm ready to win souls, build them and send them. Thank you for daring me to do more.
Thank you for your numerous corrections in righteousness.
All these and many more are the reasons I love you ma.
Your partner in God"s business,
Sophia James."
Rhema walked in to the room when I carefully placed the letter in the box.
"I see you have five boxes too." she said.
"What's wrong?" I asked her.
"I just felt like coming to see you."
"You didn't," I replied to be sure she hadn't made a grievous mistake. She cried out loud.
"My classmates don't like me. The chic cliques don't like me. They don't want me to be part of them. I'm scared they won't like my gifts."
"You don't have to be part of them. You don't need to feel or be among, Rhema. You're unique." I told her.
"No!" She yelled.
"It's easy for you to say so because you have friends. Your classmates love you. They say a lot of great stuff about you. You're loved and I'm not." She added wiping her tears with the back of her palm.
"Rhema please, listen to me. Giving them gifts won't make them like you." I explained.
"That's not true. Jesus gave Zach a gift of words" She said.
What does she mean?, I thought.
"I know God doesn't want you to be associated with them. You're not listening to the Holy Spirit and you're forcing relationships."
"Whatever!" she said and she left the room.
My phone rang. It wasn't beside me and I didn't feel like answering the call.
"It's Phileo, answer the call," The Holy Spirit said so I picked the phone up and I answered the call.
"King Phileo," I greeted.
"Woman of God, why are you still awake?"
"Things came up."
"Yeah. I'm very proud of you. The meeting and all. I'm so grateful to God. It was amazing. You ministered great words. They were obviously inspired by the Holy Spirit and I'm sincerely grateful to God. You finally decided to take your ministry of reconciliation seriously"
"Phileo, I wasn't joking with it.”
"You were hoarding words of life. Words that saves.”
"It's okay. I feel bad already. I started so it's fine, right?" I laughed.
"How are you?"
"I'm perfectly perfect." I said with so much excitement.
He laughed.
"Yeah, Phil please, can we meet in the Librarian's office during lunch?" I asked.
"Why? Are we going out on a date?" He teased.
"Well, no. I have something to tell you." I laughed
"Get me that Korean yoghurt tomorrow." I added.
"Yes, mummy."
"Good night.”
"Good night." he replied but he didn't end the call.
"Good night." I reiterated.
"Good night, Soph.”
"First person to end the call cleans the library." I said.
"It's KingsConference so I don't need to end the call. It can go on forever."
"I love you, Phileo. Thank you for being..." I said and he ended the call before I could finish my statement.
He called again and I didn't answer the call.
I have the best prayer partner anyone could ever ask for.
It was 11:58pm already. I brought out my letter to God and I read it again.
"Happy Valentine's day, Mine" I said to God when the clock stroke 12am

"Happy Valentine's day, Sophia dear" God replied and I beamed.

It's so beautiful how God is Love.
HE gives the best gifts and answers your questions in an amazing way.
People wonder if it's possible for God to be this intimate with them. The issue is the wondering and never making a move to fellowship with the Holy Spirit.
If you give attention to God, He would do the same.
God is great.
Don't get to the point that you're using God.
Let God use you.
Sophia had an understanding that the work of God has to be done and she gave God a wonderful Valentine's day gift.
What gift does God want?
Don't give to God what you want and anyhow you please.
Give it to God the way He asked you to.
Pay attention to details.
God loves you.
Endeavour to ask Him what He wants.

 If you'd like to start a relationship with God.
Say these words below and mean them.


O Lord God , I believe with all my heart in Jesus Christ , son of the Living God. I believe HE died for me and God raised HIM from the dead. I believe HE is alive today . I confess with my mouth that Jesus Christ is the Lord of my Life from this day. Through HIM and in HIS Name , I have eternal Life; I'm born again. Thank YOU Lord , for saving my soul ! I'm now a child of God.

Congratulations πŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒ 🎊
You're now born again and you can fellowship with the Lord.
You are now a member of the family of God.

Get in touch to share your salvation testimonies and receive more informations.
Send me a message on KingsChat , Yookos , AtomGram, Instagram and Twitter @derinleu

Editors: Gejumi and Tumininu ❤️

All credits belong to God πŸ’―❤️


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