Inspired by the Holy Spirit ❤️

Love Letters πŸ’Œ -Part 1 

(Dear God)

 Dear God,
 “I love to call you Abba.Ever told you I cherish your voice? I actually really do because it calms, comforts and enables. 
I love it when you call my name in a light whisper, 'Sophia dear' you say.
Oh! How I truly love you.
Can I call you Mine? I'd totally wish to... I guess I can.
Cheers to now, ALWAYS and FOREVER
Your Special Daughter,
I read out loud as I laid on my bed. My leg was on the wall and I placed my letter to God beside me. I covered my face with my journal as I glimmered in excitement.
 "Abba, I really love this school. I love it here. Amber is saved, everything is well. I found a prayer partner and friends that love me just as much as I love them. It's really nice." I said.
 God laughed.
"Abba, what do you want for valentine's day?" I probed.
"Fourteen souls." God replied instantly.
"Fourteen? Yes sir!" I responded with my arms in the air.
"A cell.”
"I should bring them into a cell, right?" 
 I flung my book at the table because I've been avoiding starting a cell. I don't think I'll be good at it. I might just flop.
"God doesn't sponsor flops." Pastor Chris' voice echoed in my head.
"Who chose you?" God asked.
I didn't reply. I still don't think I can be a great cell leader. I've been in ministry for five years yet starting a cell has been something I run away from.
Getting souls saved and bringing them into the cell that I'm in is amazing. I can check up on them but being a cell leader, holding cell meetings,! I'm just not ready.
"It's not about feelings. You'll do it and I'm with you"
"Lord," I pleaded "I don't want to disappoint you"
"Fix your eyes on the possibilities. Don't look at the impossibilities"
"Abba, where and with who?" I asked with glittering eyes filled with tears.
"Light Spreaders Academy" God said
I was still in tears. I guess this is how Moses felt.
"Lord, I'm shy. I can't talk well. What if I stammer?"
"Don't start with excuses. Get the job done, Sophia"
Well, I'll do whatever God wants.
"Lord, if you write me a letter, I'll do it."
"But I talk to you."
"I just want to see a letter from God."
"Then a letter it is." God answered
I prayed and gave thanks for the opportunity to have a cell then I called my cell leader and she told me to have a Bible study meeting.
I slept after few minutes of fellowship with the Lord.
Mornings are beautiful and they remind me that I have to make the day count. Fellowship time is the best part of my mornings. It was a Thursday and for some reason, we didn't have to go to school. Just the people involved in the preparation for the school's valentine's day party had to go to school. I decided to go to school in the afternoon.
I had my bath and went to the dining for breakfast.
"Salma, I have the glitter, papers and scissors with me.” Rhema announced.
"Rhema, when did you start calling her Salma?" I laughed.
My elder sister is Salma but we call her Peace.
"It's none of your business." she snapped.
"Oh. Someone woke up with a wrong attitude. Do I need to put you to sleep, baby sister?" I teased but she shot a glare at me.
"Sophia, can you bake the cookies and cupcakes for me?" she asked. 
I didn't reply her as I was thinking how to arrange Phileo and Amber's gift in the gift boxes.
Peace walked into the living room with artificial roses, chocolate, cookies and gift boxes. We sure are giving a lot of gifts.
"Soph please, I'd pay you if you bake for me." Rhema added.
"Now you're talking." I grinned, nodding my head in approval.
I dropped the bread in my hand.
"Rhema, you've added ten chocolate bars in five boxes. Are you selling them?" I inquired.
"Sophia, I'm using them to make friends"
"Are you for real? Reduce them now!" Peace said sternly and Rhema pouted as she did as she was told.
"It's for that clique with the mean girls, right?"
"Sophia, mind your business."
I didn't want Peace to think I was a bad elder sister.
"Rhema, I'm sorry."
"You owe me thirty cupcakes."
"No!I never agreed to bake that amount of cupcake for you ma.”
"They are for my friends." She added.
"After filling the gift boxes with chocolate, cookies, gift cards, perfume. You still want to add Cupcakes. I won't allow that." Peace let out.
I gave her a "Thank you, big sister" look.
"I'll bake fifteen. Is that fine?"
"You'd bake ten for her and twelve for me and twelve for yourself." Peace ordered.
"Yes ma and four mini cakes." I smiled.
"What for?" Peace asked giving me an odd stare.
"For whom is the question and I'm not telling you" I said. The cake was for everyone in the family. She smiled and I looked at the cards with love shape that was staring at me and sprinkled red colored glitters on it.
"Yeah. Phileo isn't a glitter kind of guy." Rhema said.
"Sure he is. Face your work" I declared, looking at what I had done.
Maybe he isn't a glitter guy after all.
Oliagmy was hardwork.
I carefully placed a rose on the card after applying glue. My sisters and I make gifts with love.
I arranged the gifts in the box meant for Amber. It contained a necklace and earrings, chocolate bars, cookies and a gift card. The box meant for Phileo was extravagant and beautiful then I started to think, what if he doesn't like it? What if he rejects them? Is this too much for someone that's your prayer partner?
I sighed.
"Phileo won't like it. He'll throw it away and follow another girl" Rhema teased.
"Like I want him to follow me, abeg... abeg." I forced laughter.
We packed the boxes and placed them carefully on the table. Rhema had five boxes, Peace had three and I had two gift boxes. Rhema and Peace filled the boxes for our parents and I was attending to matters that concerned the stomach- the cake and the glazed doughnut.
The doughnut was a surprise so I locked the kitchen so they wouldn't enter. I gave it to them as a well-done gift.
We tied ribbon to the cookies I wanted to give to my classmates. It was a valentine surprise for them. I placed them in a basket. I stared at the boxes and they looked beautiful. I sneaked to my room to prepare the boxes for my sisters. The Holy Spirit instructed me to send a message the class representative that I'd like to have a meeting with everyone on the Zoom Meeting App by 9:00pm. She agreed and she sent it as a message to everyone on the group chat. I studied on the New Creation realities as the Holy Spirit told me to.
The meeting would be powerful and I knew it.
It was a Bible study class. I worshipped, saw visions and prophesied words concerning the meeting.

Intimacy with God is really possible.
God is not someone that's far away.
There's no more of God in Heaven than in you.
Fellowship more with the Holy Spirit.
Make it an habit to talk to God first.
Start a conversation.
If you're really in love with God, you'll take trust, commitment and communication seriously.
When you're born again, you have a relationship with God and that's the best relationship you'd ever have.
 If you'd like to start a relationship with God.
Say these words below and mean them.

O Lord God , I believe with all my heart in Jesus Christ , son of the Living God. I believe HE died for me and God raised HIM from the dead. I believe HE is alive today . I confess with my mouth that Jesus Christ is the Lord of my Life from this day. Through HIM and in HIS Name , I have eternal Life; I'm born again. Thank YOU Lord , for saving my soul ! I'm now a child of God.

Congratulations πŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒ 🎊
You're now born again and you can fellowship with the Lord.
You are now a member of the family of God.

Get in touch to share your salvation testimonies and receive more informations.
Send me a message on KingsChat , Yookos , AtomGram, Instagram and Twitter @derinleu

Thanks for reading.
God bless you in the Name of Jesus. Amen.
You can share with your friends.

Editors: Gejumi and Tumininu 

God deserves all the credit πŸ’ƒπŸ’―


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