The Gospel


I sat on one of the chairs under the canopy. I moved my body at intervals as I listened to 'Big God' by CSO. 

I knew the security personnels at the bank would not call my name anytime soon.

"Why did I come to this bank this late?. Number two hundred and thirty nine" I thought

"More time to fellowship with my sweet Lord" I laughed

A girl sat beside me. She was pretty. She wore a top and skirt. The skirt was long and it reached her ankle. She looked like the perfect definition of 'mary-amaka'. Her hair was made with 'black-rubber'. 

The song on my playlist changed to Lit Remix by CSO and NOS.

"Okay. I'm so ready for this" I said in my head

I sang out. I was probably so loud and I didn't really care because I was happy. My birthday is in few days and the Lord asked me to raise two soldiers.

The pretty girl touched me.

"Hello" she said immediately I removed my headset

"Hi dear" I replied

She gave me a weird look.

"Do you need anything?" I asked her

"Yes" She said

"What is it?" I asked her

"Your attention" she replied

I chuckled

That sounded like a pick-up line though...

I paused the song.

"I'm Mary" She said

"Are you Amaka too?" I joked

She didn't get the joke so I just smiled.

"I'm God'sChild" I replied

"God'sChild? Your parents named you God'sChild? That's amazing" she complimented

It seemed to me she was holding back laughter.

"Yes , they sure did. It's OmoOlorun but I prefer God'sChild. It's my name , I mean" I smiled

"I wanted to talk to you"

"About what?" I replied with a serious look

"The end time. I guess you go to church"

"Yes ma. I go to church" I replied

"Okay. Jesus is coming soon and if you don't repent and give your life to Christ , you'd go to hell. The Word says we should be born again and if you aren't born again , you won't see the kingdom of God. A lot of people are in the world that would go to hell. People keep doing things that don't please God"

I urged her to continue with the expression I put on. I looked so serious. She could have thought 'Oh. I won this soul already'. 

"Hell is real and Heaven is real and if you miss heaven , you sure wouldn't miss hell. Give your life to Christ today. Jesus loves you. HE died for you so you won't have to die. HE went through pains for you. How will you repay HIM? Make your choice now. The necklace on your neck won't take you to heaven..."

I held back a laugh.

I touched the pendant of the cross on my neck with a sorry look.

*Okay. I've heard enough. Knowledge is key and what's with this hell talk*

"Like this trouser you're wearing , it's a sin. The weave-on on your hair. It's from the body of a dead person. It's a sin. This ear piercing. It's a sin. So , I'm sure you believe in Jesus. I love you and I don't want you to go to hell. Do you believe HE can save you? Do you want me to lead you to Christ? Do you want to be born again?"

"What does it mean to be born again?" I asked her looking like a soul that wanted to repent

"When you want to get born again , you confess your sins and then you'll be saved" she said

I wasn't surprised she said that. I just expected her to wow me a little.

She smiled.

"Thank You God for this soul" I muttered through clenched teeth

She didn't hear me.

"Where is that in the Bible?" 

She was startled.

She babbled for few minutes and then she said 

"Repentance is being sorry for one's sins. Accept that you are sinner, Believe that JESUS died for you, confess your sins to God, ask Him for forgiveness and cleansing and believe that He has done it. Then, turn away from your sins!Acts.3.19 - Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord;"

"But that's not what the Bible says about being born again" I told her

"That's not true. You know , you're a sinner and then you won't really understand the Bible" She fired

"It's my time to talk and I'll let you reply" I grinned

She looked stunned.

"The Bible explains in the first John chapter one verse nine that 'If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.' " she replied

"Yes , that's what the Bible said and that's how the King James Version explained it" 

Her eyes widened

She must have thought I was a theologian or religious fanatic.

I smiled again.

"Being born again is receiving the life of Christ and it's also being saved. Salvation..." I told her

She gave a positive nod

"Great. So in the book of Roman chapter ten verse nine to ten , the Bible says and I quote 'That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.'"

She didn't seem to get it yet.

"The Bible explained that to be saved and that is to be born again , you have to confess that Jesus is the Lord of your life and that is also saying 'Jesus is my master ' " I explained in details

She opened her mouth. She stuttered and shrugged.

"Remission of sin isn't forgiveness of sin. Forgiveness of sins comes after your sin is remitted. That is, if a Christian sins , such person can confess sin and be forgiven. That's where first John chapter one verse nine comes into the talk" I added

"First , being a Christian doesn't mean you're born again and also what scriptural verses do you have to support your claims"

I chucked slightly because she asked me to support my claims.

"Give them revs" Pastor Chris sir's voice replayed in my head

"Going to church or being born into a home of Christians doesn't make you a Christian" I said to her

"If you're not a Christian and you keep attending services , you're a 'church service attender' or a 'churchian' . A Christian is born again. Saying "born again Christian" is a spiritual grammatical blunder." I added

She stared at me in awe as I spake with so much boldness.

"I don't believe you" She rolled her eyes

"That's saying you doubt the Word of God" I laughed

" Let me explain better. Remission is the washing away of sins in such a way that the sin never even existed before. That's why Christians are called 'The New Creation'. Second Corinthians chapter five verse seventeen says 'Now we look inside, and what we see is that anyone united with the Messiah gets a fresh start, is created new. The old life is gone; a new life burgeons! Look at it!' That is being born again. It is wrong, therefore, for an unbeliever to ask God to forgive him of his sins. Forgiveness belongs to those who are already in a relationship with God, but remission is for the sinner" I explained.

Her hands were under her bosom and she stared at me with so much interest.

It became so clear to me that she hadn't heard such words.

" If we confess our sins, God forgives us. He is not counting our mistakes against us. God sees us as righteous children always. He sees His son Jesus Christ in us, and sees us through His son, even when we make mistakes. If we make a mistake or sin, all we have to do is confess to Him and He forgives us. We must always believe that He has forgiven us, and not brood over our past mistakes" I added

"No. Now , I don't agree. Nobody is righteous. No one can be righteous. We'll all be striving to be righteous and perfect" I said

"That's not correct , Mary"

"The Bible explains that our righteousness are like filthy rags to God"

"That's why we don't compare our standards with human standards. We are the righteousness of God not of ourselves. Righteousness is the nature of God that gives us a right standing in His presence. It is righteousness that gives the ability to live in God’s presence without feeling of guilt, inferiority and condemnation.It is a gift and it's not about us. It's a gift from God. It's not about whatever good we have done. It's a gift is received by faith and it isn't dependent on what you do or who you walk with. It gives us dominion. Christians don't strive to be righteous. We simply submit to God ceasing to trust in our own works. Romans chapter ten verse one to verse five and Philippians chapter three verse nine for further details" I explained

She stared at me.

I could tell she understood.

"Not leaving out second Corinthians chapter five verse twenty-one that explains we are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. The key is being in Christ Jesus. The Christian life is sustained by the Word."

She beamed.

" Righteousness is the very nature of God that the new creation receives after giving his or her heart to Christ. Just as a baby can’t be more human than it is , you also cannot be more righteous than you are from the day you got saved. There are no levels of righteousness"

"Being born again is being born of the Word and of God. It's about the God-life , Zoe. It's imparted into the human spirit after salvation. What does a believer receive after salvation?" I asked her

"Remission of sins" she answered

"To be more specific, it's the book of John , the third chapter and the sixteenth verse" I replied

We were quiet for some minutes.

I allowed her digest the words she just received.

"God'sChild" She called softly

"I'll like to give my heart to Christ" someone said

I turned to look at him.

He had a funny look because of his hair.

"I couldn't help listening to all you said. I need to change after all I heard. I've always wanted to know how" he explained

"God'sChild. I'm so unsure of my salvation right now" Mary said sheepishly

"Glory to God" I screamed

People turned to stare but I wasn't moved. 

I was so happy.

One of the securities at the bank said "number two hundred to two hundred and ten , you can enter with your face masks"

" If you're ready , please , say these words after me" I said

We said the salvation prayer and they all received eternal life.

Mary fell in love with the songs I had on my playlist.

She said she thought they were songs from demons given to humans acting as angels of lights.

The boy , Joshua collected all my songs and messages by Pastor Chris sir. He cleared all the secular songs on his phone.

I got their numbers and follow up was effective with them.

Salvation is being saved from sins and being saved unto God.

Salvation makes you one with God.

Salvation brings you out of everything outside of salvation ( disease , death , penury , hatred , pain , peril).

Salvation package contains everything pertaining to life and godliness.

Acts 4:12 Salvation comes no other way; no other name has been or will be given to us by which we can be saved, only this one."

Romans 1:16 depicts Paul's convictions about the Gospel. What is the Gospel to you? 

Stop thinking everyone has heard about the Gospel. There is a Gospel of the kingdom and a lot of people have heard the wrong things about the Gospel and the Word of God. It's up to a preacher  (you and I) to tell them what it really is.

“How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher?”

 (Romans 10:14).

Get on it now for the time is short.

In preparing for the rapture of the church , we are to prepare others also because we'd all give accounts of our preparation.

If you're not sure of your salvation and if you'd like to receive Christ right now.

Say these words and mean them with all of your heart "O Lord God, I believe with all my heart in Jesus Christ, Son of the living God. I believe He died for me and God raised Him from the dead. I believe He’s alive today. I confess with my mouth that Jesus Christ is the Lord of my life from this day. Through Him and in His Name, I have eternal life; I’m born again Thank you Lord, for saving my soul! I’m now a child of God. Hallelujah!”

Congratulations 🎉

You're now a child of God.

You can send me an email. to let me know you received salvation.

I love you and God certainly does love you more 💓

Inspired by the Holy Spirit ❤️

Review: Tomi Grey 😍

✍️ Derin Leu

Follow me on KingsChat , Yookos , Atomgram , Instagram , Facebook and Twitter @ Derin Leu


  1. Glory to God!!
    Oh, what wonderful opportunities the Lord gives us to carry out this ministry of reconciliation.
    Well done, Derin.
    Thank you so much for sharing.

  2. Wow, this is amazing, I was inspired. Thank you so much.


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