
'Oluwadamilola's pov'

"Doctor Adewale, there's an emergency" Nurse Stephanie announced immediately she entered the staff room for residents
I took my stethoscope and left the staff room immediately
"What happened?" I asked when I entered the emergency room
"Someone brought him here. He said he had a motor bike accident and he collapsed"
"Hey, draw the blood" I instructed pointing to an intern
"Blood pressure of 70, pulse is 110 and breathing is 35 faster than normal" Nurse Stacy said
"How much saline was he given" I asked
"2 litres of saline and 15 of oxygen" Nurse stacy replied me
"Start with cardiac enzyme test and chest x-ray" I told nurse Stephanie
"Attach the foley" I instructed another intern
I left the ER then decided to go to the reception of the emergency department 
"Please reach a friend or relative of the patient" I told the receptionist
"Doctor Adewale.We are on it" she said
"I just wanted to be sure if you're on it because it seems like lately, you've decided not to do right things till you're told to" I let out a vile smile
She muttered something .and I shrugged 
"Doctor Adewale, there's another patient that came with the ambulance. Another motor bike accident" Nurse Stacy said 
"I personally feel motorbikes need a ban. Please , get doctor Williams to join me, please" I said
I sighed
"Yes" she replied 
I rushed to the emergency room
Doctor Williams and I entered simultaneously
"Doctor, he has severe pains in the chest" Nurse Stephanie said
Nurse Stacy walked in.
"His blood pressure is 90/65. He has tachycardia with the pulse of 120" Nurse Stephanie continued
"Nurse Stacy, did you get an x-ray?" Doctor Williams asked
"Yes"she said
She showed us the x-ray film
"Okay. This looks like pneumothorax" I said
"Yeah. It does and it is" Doctor Williams said smiling
I nodded
"Prepare for surgery" Doctor Williams instructed the nurses and interns there
Dr. Williams sat beside the patient
I stood beside him. Nurse Stephanie was there too. She stood opposite us beside the surgical instruments
He cut the incision point open with a scapel
"Clamp please" he said
Nurse Stephanie passed a clamp. I passed it to him. His hands brushed against mine gently then our eyes met.
I kept a straight face but he smiled.
"Follow the rib cage this" he said using the clamp to demonstrate
I nodded
"Then you have to open up the space...Do you see it?" He asked
"Yes, I do but if you keep going up you might touch the intercostal artery and if you touch that, there'll be a lot of bleeding.Right?" I replied
"Yes.Watch carefully" he said
I rolled my eyes. 
*Who does he think he is?.Why does he like treating me like an intern?* I thought
"Should I get a french tube" Nurse Stephanie asked
"Yes please" he smiled at her
*Now he is smiling at her. What's wrong with this guy?*
I passed the french tube to him after she passed it to me.
He inserted it, using the clamp carefully.
"It's a success" I smiled
"Yeah. Wrap up and keep an eye on him" Dr. Williams said and smiled back
The smile on my face disappeared immediately
I looked at the patient then I looked at Dr. Williams
"Should know...should we...erm..get an x-ray just in case" I stuttered
He gave me a 'why and what are you saying look?'
"He seems to be in a lot of pain though his lungs should be open and breathing should be a lot easier" I said 
"Pain comes with chest tube. It's normal. He would be fine" he said then smiled
*Okay. What's wrong with this doctor and smiles*
"His breathing is fine and his blood pressure is steady"Nurse Stephanie said
"He's fine. Just keep an eye on him" he winked at me 
Sure, he didn't forget to add a smile.
I'm Adewale Oluwadamilola.
 I'm a doctor and a resident in cardiothoracic surgery


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