"Who I am"

What is discovering purpose?
What exactly does it mean to discover purpose?
I threw the motivational book I was reading
"These books don't even help" I screamed
Why am I here?
What's my purpose?
Why am in this world?
"We didn't plan to give birth to you" Mum says
"If not for you I'd have married another woman and not your mother" Dad says angrily
Their words replayed everytime I think about why I'm here
My cousin , John walked into my room
I wiped my tears with the back of my palm
He picked the book I threw
" 'Your purpose...Your Success' by Sylvia Turner" he read out
"Have you read it?" I asked him
"Nah. I don't read motivational books" he replied
"Why?" I asked him
"They aren't motivational" he laughed
"I discovered" I said sadly
Tears rolled down my cheeks
"What's wrong?" He asked
I explained how I felt like my life lacked direction and how badly I wanted to know my purpose in life.
I also explained how I felt because of the way my parents treated me and how I wanted to be successful to impress my parents that I could be successful.
"All you need is the Word" he said when I was done explaining
"I don't get you " I replied honestly
"The Word of God is the ultimate manual  for success . It contains the proven principles of success" he said
He opened his phone , sat close to me and he showed me a BIBLE verse
"Joshua chapter one verse eight in the amplified version says 'This Book of the Law shall not depart out of your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, that you may observe and do according to all that is written in it. For then you shall make your way prosperous, and then you shall deal wisely and have good success ' " he read
"Motivational books can be nice but they don't really help. They are written with earthly wisdom and are void of spiritual insight" he explained
I nodded letting him know I wasn't distracted
"And concerning your parents and purpose , you're a gift of trust to your parents. You exist for a purpose. God didn't bring you to this world to suffer. God didn't make you to suffer. His will for our lives isn't suffering. He had everything planned out before you came. You're not an accident. You're as valuable as Jesus is to God. God is committed to your success. Why this emptiness?" he said
"I never knew that"
"Are you born again?" he asked
"No" I replied bowing my head in shame
He smiled
"It's fine. You can do that now. Receiving Jesus is a great thing. It's a big testimony" he assured me
"I know but I don't know what to pray" I replied lowly
"Would you be okay if I led you through it?" he asked
He told me more about Jesus.
He held my hands and asked me to say the salvation prayer which I repeated after him 
"O Lord God , I believe with all my heart in Jesus Christ , son of the Living God. I believe HE died for me and God raised HIM from the dead. I believe HE is alive today . I confess with my mouth that Jesus Christ is the Lord of my Life from this day. Through HIM and in HIS Name , I have eternal Life; I'm born again. Thank YOU Lord , for saving my soul ! I'm now a child of God"
"I feel different" I said honestly
We talked about the Holy Spirit afterwards and I got filled with the Holy Spirit
"God's Word imparts supernatural wisdom to your heart and through fellowship with the Holy Spirit , you're inspired , guided and empowered to take the right steps towards God's dreams for you. Stick to the Word and you'll come back with testimonies" he said
He was about to walk out of my room then he said " Let me show you who you are now from the Word of God" 
He opened to the book of Ephesians chapter 1. We read and he explained a lot of things to me. 
When we were done with chapter one , he opened chapter two
"I'm blessed . I'm chosen. I'm adopted. I'm redeemed.  I'm forgiven. I'm sealed. I'm loved. I've saved. I'm a child of God. Hallelujah" I yelled
"Congratulations , you're a son now. Welcome to the family of God. You're a child of God. " he said
"Thank you so much , John" I replied
"I'll tell mum to prepare lunch so you can come down to the sitting room" he said
"Can I use few minutes to study the Word and fellowship?" I asked him
He smiled and replied sure patting my back
*I'm a child of God*

Inspired by the Holy Spirit ♥️
Thank you Pastor Chris sir for the Teevo Rhapsody😍


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