"The Secret of Understanding"

I sat on the toilet seat for minutes doing nothing
I stared at my report sheet again
"A C grade in five subjects , D in two subjects and a B in one subject
I'm not traveling with my family this summer" I muttered in tears
I'm going to be here in Nigeria studying when my mates are having fun
I guess I'll have to show them this 'evil' report again
*Maybe I'm destined to be an average student*
I rinsed my face with water so know one will know I was crying
I walked into the class
Phileo was the only one in the class
Phileo was an extraordinary student. He had always been the admiration of the whole school.
Our eyes met.
"Hi , Favour" he said
"Phileo , Hi" I replied
"Phil , can I ask you a question?" I asked 
"Yes . Sure" he replied
"How come you're so different from everyone in class?"
He smiled
"I know we are not close but just tell me. I really need to know how you read , the time and everything"
"It's a secret" he said
"I guess I'll always be an average student then and a failure too because someone refused to tell me the secret to his outstanding success" I pouted and I walked away
He chuckled
"I'll tell you" he said
"Okay . I'm listening" I replied
I got a pen and a book
Phileo is a nerd so I knew there might be a need to write
He smiled
*why is he smiling?*
"What's the secret?" I asked looking as serious as I could
"It's a who ,actually" he smiled
"Oh! You have a mentor or something"
"It's the Holy Spirit"he said
"Huh?" I muttered
"I'm serious" he giggled
"If you're conscious of His glorious presence , He makes you stand out . He makes the difference in you" he added 
"How?" I queried
"The Holy Spirit is the secret of understanding. He helps you understand the Word of God and also all things and your light will so shine to the evidence of the whole world"
"Are you born again?" he asked me
"Yes , I am"
"Then why haven't you received the Holy Spirit"
"Is the Holy Spirit not for just pastors and ministers?" I asked looking confused
"Well , no. There's no such thing as 'pastor Holy Ghost '. The same Holy Spirit at work in pastors is at work in me"
I gasped
"I didn't know and that's amazing"
We talked about the Holy Spirit for an hour
I spoke in tongues too
"So how do you feel now?" He asked as we left the class
"I can't describe it. Awesome is an understatement" I yelled happily
"Glory to God" he replied and I nodded
"If you can make it , it's a summer camp for teenagers" he said then he gave me a flier
"I won't miss it" I told him
"I'm going to tell people about the Holy Spirit" I said to him
"you should" he replied
Receiving the Holy Spirit isn't optional for any child of God. The Holy Spirit is the power of God. He is Jesus unlimited.
There is no baby Holy Ghost.



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