(Decisions on love)

"Hi Sophia " David called
I was in the Church's library arranging the books people returned
"Oh! Hi David' I said without enthusiasm
"You look beautiful today" he complimented
I blushed
"Thanks" I replied
"So...Did you enjoy today's service?" He asked after few seconds of silence
"Definitely. I always enjoy service"
He beamed a smile
"You look like you want to tell me something" I said
"Uhm..yeah" he said scratching his head
"Are you nervous?" I laughed
"Definitely not" he said raising his shoulders demonstrating he had ego 
And I laughed 
"Sophie , did you think about what I told you last week?" He asked
I knew what he wanted but I just wanted him to say it
"My name is Sophia" I pouted
"I like calling you Sophie" he grinned
"Okay. Sophie.." he said
"...yah" he added
"I'm still thinking about it"
"We're children of ministers. Just agree to go out with me already" he pleaded giving me a cute face
"Actually , things don't just work that way . What's so special about dating you now?"
"I can take care of you" he said
I arched a brow
"My father in heaven is sure capable of doing that and besides you're not even responsible for yourself yet" I replied shaking my head
He looked shocked
"Don't be too spiritual"  he said
"Life is spiritual" I replied
He kept staring at me
"Okay...So...I don't want Pastor Kim to know I'm not done arranging these books. I'll call you later and I'll give you a reply" I waved smiling sweetly 
He smiled too then I left 
I tossed on my bed for minutes after praying. 
I took my Teevo Rhapsody and I read something about relationships.
I took my phone then I called David
"Hey David" I said
"Hi Sophia"
"I have your reply now"
"I feel like you'll break my heart"
I laughed
"You're really nice and all . You're everything I like in a guy but I'm not so sure it's time for us to date. I'm sixteen and you're seventeen. I'm sorry I made you wait long before giving you a reply" I explained
"I thought about it too. I'm sorry. I'm sorry for putting pressure on you" he said
"It's fine. Good night" I replied
"Good night , Sophie" he said
"It's Sophia" I screamed
"I know. I'll call you Sophie"
"Why? Sophia means Wisdom"
"I love the sound of Sophie" he replied
"Good night. Call me Sophia. I have to sleep"
"Good night and Thank you" he said
I terminated the call.
I grinned broadly.
I was glad I prayed.
Life is truly Spiritual.

"Dating is something that should be done when you know the right direction to go. In the world, its done by trial-and-error; they try to find out who's right for them by dating several people, but in Christ, things are different. We don't try to find out who's right for us by dating first; we know first and date afterwards. So, it means you've got to have the level of spiritual understanding, maturity, and guidance to make such a far-reaching decision.
You're hoping to get married to that person, considering everything is right"
...Pastor Chris Oyakhilome sir

Inspired by the Holy Spirit ♥️
Thank you Pastor Chris sir for Teevo Rhapsody 🥰

Happy birthday Pastor Chris sir.
Thank you for all you've done in being our life coach and mentor ☺️
I love you pastor sir ❤️🤗


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