Audacity of Faith'

"The fundamental fact of existence is that this trust in God, this faith, is the firm foundation under everything that makes life worth living. It's our handle on what we can't see. " Hebrews 11:1 Message Version

I watched my husband as he tried to knot his tie. He threw it into his bag in anger.
I moved close to him , picked the tie then I said "this is my job"
"Why did you make me do it then?" he smiled
"To train you" I poured out
He pinched my cheek softly and I giggled
"Do you really have to go?" I asked him maintaining eye contact and he sheepishly fixed his gaze on something else
"The Hospital? Laura , I thought we talked about this. I'm a doctor, it's my job"
"Well-done , Super Hero" I eyed him then I sat on the bed 
 He sat beside me
"I told you to request for a leave when the corona stuff started but you didn't listen. stop trying to be ' Dr. Adadevoh version 2'* " I said holding back tears
He smiled then placed my head on his shoulder
"I'm sorry for not listening but I'll be fine. I promise"
"I don't feel well" I said giving him a 'can't-you-just-stay' look
"Yeah and that happens everytime you're scared" he rolled his eyes
"You joined NCDC** team. Why shouldn't I be scared?" I said in tears
" Babe , I'm sorry" he said sweetly then he wiped my tears with the back of his palm
"Raymond , can't you just chicken out or something?"
"Or something. Consider it one of my numerous trips" he laughed
I pouted fighting tears.
"Stop looking at me like this. I don't want to give in"
I sighed in frustration
We hugged but I clinged longer , then I sobbed quietly
"Babe. Don't cry , please" He ran his fingers through my hair and he patted my back 
I hissed on defeat
"Be safe" I warned sternly
"Dad , please be safe" Frederick and Fiona chorused
"Stay safe " he said and we did a family hug
"Won't you tell your baby not to disturb me when you're not here?"
"Little Laura , please be safe. Don't disturb your mother" he said rubbing my protuded stomach with his hands
"The scan result showed it was a boy" I laughed
"Okay. Twins" he said and I laughed 
" Wash your hands , use hand sanitizer , avoid touching your face, " he stated prevention tips
I heaved a sigh
"Yes doctor" The children and I chorused
"Laura , COVID-19*** isn't a death sentence. If I get it , I'll beat this"
"Ray , people are dying"
"I won't die. I'll be safe. I promise"
Tears rolled down my eyes. He pecked me 
The private car for NCDC arrived
"I'm sorry but Dr. Brown to the rescue"
"Okay. Please, be safe" I whispered
He smiled , hugged the kids and turned to take his leave. He waved at us from the car.
Days passed , Raymond and I hardly spent ten minutes together.
My phone buzzed jerking me out of my thoughts.
I grabbed it from the drawer.
It was Raymond.
My mood changed immediately
"Ray" I called happily
"Ma , how are you?" He said
"Are you fine Ray? You sound weak" 
"Babe , I'm fine" he assured me
"Oh...Oh...okay" I said 
"Let me get Fiona and Frederick so we could do a video call"  I told him 
"We can just talk like this. I'm kind of busy and I can't do a video call" he said
I sensed something was off but I didn't talk about it and I enjoyed the moment
The children talked to their father and the call ended about an hour later.
That was the longest call we had since he left.
Three hours later , the kids and I were watching the news 
Then the newscaster announced that three NCDC officials tested positive to corona virus
"Raymond" I shouted with my teeth clenched
There was a knock on the door
"Hello ma. Good afternoon" the person greeted
NCDC officials...
"Good evening . How can I help you?"
"Yes ma. We need to get your blood sample ma"
"Why?" I asked calmly
"Your husband told us to get you tested"
"Did Raymond test positive to the virus?"
"We're not to talk about that" they said
"I won't allow you take our blood samples then" I slammed the door
I called Raymond
"Please , Ray , tell me you don't have the virus" I said panting heavily
"Laura , please"he said calmly
"Ray" I cried
"I've not seen the result but I took the test. If I test positive , I will fight this and if it isn't. Hallelujah" he said 
"Ray , trust me , I won't forgive you if you have this virus" I yelled then I terminated the call
I opened the door
The NCDC officials took our blood samples
Fiona and Frederick kept crying when I explained what happened.
Raymond called the next day and he tried making me calm before ewe started discussing.
"you have the virus , Ray" I cried
"Laura , I'm sorry" he said
"I have to go now . I'll fight this . I promise. I gave my phone to a friend and I told him to give you updates about my health ." he said in a rush
"Laura , don't cry" he pleaded
"Ray , fight this" I pleaded
I cried
I locked the door so the kids won't see me crying
I was hurt
Is this how I'd become a widow at 28?
Who'll be with me when contraction starts?
Tears flowed without control
Raymond had been in the isolation center for seven days...
No improvements...
His condition worsened daily.
Raymond's friend , Jeremiah called everyday to give updates but it ended up on a sad note.
My phone rang , it was my friend , Sylvia.
I answered the call.
"Hello" I said
"Laura , how are you?" She asked
"I'm fine. Thank you" I replied wearily
"your voice alone depicts that you're not fine" she said
I cried
"Wipe your tears. Why are you crying?" 
"Let's make it a video call" I suggested
"Now , spill it. What is wrong?"
"Raymond has the virus and we're even grateful that we don't" I said
"Wait. So why exactly are you crying?"
"What do you mean Sylvia?"
"What will crying do?. It's spilled milk" 
"Sylvia , my husband is on a sick bed and you're asking me not to cry. Should I be jumping up?"
"Have you prayed?"
"No" I answered sincerely
She sighed
"Look , it's not about being spiritual here. They've tried almost everything medically"
"Life is spiritual not medical"
"Isn't God the one that gave us medicines and drugs?"
"Why are you talking like an unbeliever. Do you even really believe?. If you've tried everything and it doesn't work . Why not go to the one who created all things. I've heard countless testimonies from people that had corona virus and your husband won't be an exception. I'll get his testimony too"
"Sylvia , I don't know. I'm tired"
We talked about faith , praying effectively , miracles , the Holy Spirit and a lot of things
I found out fear kills faster and that was why Raymond wasn't getting better.
We spent 3 hours talking.
The words were sown into my spirit
It kept meditating on it
We prayed together
We fasted and we prayed for three days
This three days , Raymond's condition worsened but I held on to God
I knew God's, will for Raymond isn't death because God wouldn't have given us eternal life through Jesus if He didn't want us to live.
My phone rang
It was Jeremiah
"Hi Jeremiah" I called with excitement
Jeremiah too didn't stop. He talks to me daily about not giving up on God.
"Erm.." he muttered
"Why do you sound like this?" I asked him
"Where are you?" he asked calmly
"I'm at home. Where else?" I laughed but my laugh wasn't genuine
It was dry and had a pinch of sarcasm
It was mixed with worries
"I don't know how to say this , Laura. Please be well"
"Say what?"
"I'm sorry. Raymond is dead . That's what I heard"
I laughed thinking he was joking
"What do you mean?"
"He couldn't breathe well and he had lung , liver and kidney failure"
"Please , can you put the phone beside his ear or in the room" I said suddenly
I don't 
"They should be preparing how to take his body away"
"Please , do that for me" I pleaded
"I'll try" he said then he terminated the call
I picked my BIBLE and I read different verses
I studied about faith. I listened to a message 'Audacity of Faith' by Pastor Chris Oyakhilome
Sylvia and I prayed for minutes.
I couldn't even hear God again because of the situation but I  was focused on his promises for me
Several thoughts clouded my mind but I used the word of God
Two hours later , he called me back then he told me he was in the room
"Lord , I know Your will for us isn't death but life. Lord , please breathe life into Raymond in Jesus name. Amen" I prayed
I terminated the call
I was in tears already
I was scared too but I rebuked fear
I expected a miracle . I waited on the Lord
I trusted God
"Better stop praying and prepare for burial. This is not like the time Jesus raised Lazarus. Raymond isn't Lazarus"  a voice said
"Praise God" The Holy Spirit told me
I called Sylvia and we sang song of praises for hours
My phone rang. It was 2am
I checked the caller I.D
It was Jeremiah
"Hello Laura" he said
"Hi Jeremiah"
"It's not Jerry , it's Raymond"
"O my God" I screamed
It's not a dream , Is it?
"Jeremiah , please don't joke with me" I said in tears
"I'm coming over" I said
"It's really me . There's lockdown , remember" Raymond said camly
"But it doesn't even sound like you. I'm surprised I'm alive too" he said
"What did they say about the virus?"
"I think the result came out positive"
"Don't be scared . Focus on God. That's the only way to fight the virus. Don't look at the virus. Look at your healing. You died and you're back" I encouraged him
"I know I'll be whole. We'll talk later" he said
He terminated the call
Jeremiah called later that morning and he said Raymond's recovery was faster than every other patient that has been attended to and he might be discharged soon.
I stopped asking God for healing already. I thanked God for healing
Few months later , the lockdown had been lifted. The 
Raymond and I climbed the podium. It was a beautiful day.
He explained the encounter he had with Jesus
"You made it to heaven , yes but you've not done the work I want you to do. Preach the gospel . Tell the world , I'm coming soon. I want them to do the work" he explained what Jesus told him
I smiled when I remembered when he explained what happened after he came back to life.
They were about to take him away from the room , they opened the door and he was on the bed , sitting.
Some people ran out by Jeremiah was too shocked to run.
I collected the microphone from him and I said
"God loves us and He wants us to seek Him first"
I smiled allowing the scenes replay in my head from when it all started
The whole corona issue.
My husband is alive. My family is alive. Jesus is alive.
Raymond got his testimony
I had another testimony few weeks after he got discharged
 had twins 
I'm convinced that ;
Faith works...God works...Love works...The Word works

*Dr. Adadevoh is the doctor that died during the Ebola outbreak
She did well to prevent the corona virus patient , Patrick Sawyer from leaving the hospital and prevented a major outbreak
**NCDC is an abbreviation for Nigeria Center for Disease Control
***COVID-19 also known as novel corona virus

©️Derin Leu 2020
Thank you NIRRUPTION for the opportunity


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