(Ciara and Clara)

Chapter 3

One month later

'Ciara's pov'

I woke up around 6:20 am. I went to the bathroom and did necessary things till it was 7:30am. I expected a message from Clara but none came in.
"Where are you. We'd be late to school" I sent to her
"Something came up. Sorry I forgot to tell you" she replied almost immediately
I replied with 'okay' and a frown emoticon
I gulped the remaining portion of milk in the mug quickly. I carried my bag and I wore my school shoe.
"Mum, I'm going" I said when I entered the kitchen.
I dropped the mug and I ran out before she could ask me to do the dishes before leaving.
"Take the money I left for you on the table in the sitting room.  I love you" she yelled
"I love you more" I yelled back.
I hopped on my bicycle and I left the house.
The school was just two streets away.
I was happy. I finally remembered everything.
I couldn't wait to tell Clara. I wanted to tell her before I tell anyone.
Clara and I went to watch the dancers at the beach. I made sure she was engrossed  then I sneaked away to check the starfish. I played with other kids till I was tired.  A lot of people left the beach already. I couldn't tell which tent my family members stayed in. I went to all the tents there but I didn't see them. I panicked.
It was late . I got worried and I reported to the people there. They said they didn't know who my parents were.
They told me to spend the night there with them saying my parents will come there to look for me. I agreed.
Later that evening, I heard them conversing in English that they wanted to sell me to a childless person the next day. I acted like I was asleep and I planned my escape. I made sure they were asleep and I ran away. The door wasn't even locked and they didn't even notice I was gone.
I kept running. I didn't know where I was headed but I didn't stop.
I rested at some point and I continued.
I tired and dizzy but I trudged.
Then a car hit me. I didn't see it coming or the person driving the car didn't see me.
The next time my eye opened, I found myself in the hospital. She explained that her son hit me and she was sorry.
They took me to a foster home since I couldn't remember anything or where I came from.
I parked my bicycle where other students parked theirs when I got to school.

I ran to the class and I hit a woman and the books in her hand fell.

"I'm...." my voice trailed off
I needed no one to tell me it was Clara's mother. I mean our mother.
"Ciara" she called
"Mum, let's go to the car. Let's not make a scene here" Clara said
"So, you kept it from me" mum finally spoke up after several minutes of silence
"she wanted to keep it from you till she was ready" Clara snapped
I sighed.
Her dad opened the door and he also stared at me
"Dad , enter the car before you say anything" Clara said calmly
"Ciara , this is my mum and dad" Clara said amd squeezed my hand
"I told her to wait till I remembered what I needed to" I said
"Ciara, we've met already. Can we go back home already. Who do you stay with?." Ciara's mother asked
"I have foster parents" I told them
"I'm sorry we left you. I'm really sorry" Her dad said
"We'll see through the legal process and you'll be in our custody soon" Her dad assured
"I don't think we should rush that. I'm fine where I am" I told them
"You can't be fine there. We're a family and I'll definitely see to how to get you back" Dad assured
"I'd be late for English class. We have to go. Bye" I said to them pulling Clara out of the car with me
"Bye dear" I heard them chorus

*Lunch Hour*

"I'm sorry about what mum and dad said" Clara said
I threw a napkin at her
"Don't talk with food in your mouth" I said dryly
"Yeah. Why did they come with you to school?. You wanted them to see me? , right?"
"No. Why would you even think of that. If I wanted them to see you. I'd have done that long ago" she yelled
"I'm sorry" I muttered lowly with my head bent
"I'm sorry for yelling. The vice principal asked them to see her. He told them my grades were improving but I still keep getting into trouble"
"I totally like you for bullying people that insult me"
"Thanks. You're one family member that loves me" she smiled
"Our parents love you"
"Yeah. They sure do" she sneered sardonically
"So..about family stuff...I erm...I ...think...I erm...I kind of..." I stammered
"you what?" She replied lackadaisically
"I remember everything now" I told her
She dropped the hamburger in her hand and stared at me with her mouth open
"Ta da" I said looking at her
She didn't say anything still but she stared at me fixedly.
"Look, I'm sorry I didn't tell you" I held her hand and squeezed it
"How come you don't hate me?" She asked
"Hate you. Why would I?"
"you said you remember everything now. You should hate me for everything if you actually remember"
I narrated what happened on the 24th of December few years ago.
She was in tears already
"Heey. Please stop crying" I pleaded
"I'm sorry for making you go watch the dancers with me" She said letting more tears flow
"I should be sorry for leaving you there. I'm sorry for making you hate yourself when I was at fault" I pleaded sincerely also
I was in tears too. I was glad we were not at the school's cafeteria because a lot of eyes would have been on us.
"I'm sorry" we chorused
Lunch hour was soon over then we went to our various classes.
The rest of the hours spent in school went well.

"Mum, I'm home" I screamed when I entered the house
"How was cheerleading practice"
"Awful, I feel like my back is about to break"
"I'll so miss you when your parents come for you"
"I saw them today. They saw me. I told them I was happy where I was. Nothing much" I replied
"Oh no. You're leaving sooner than I thought. I don't want them to take you away" mum said looking sad
"Yeah. Me too" Dad replied
We raised our heads to look at him
I could swear I saw a smile on his face
"I'm sorry you said what?" I asked smiling
"Oh..I mean you make my wife happy so I'd like it if you stay" he replied with a grin
"Don't mind him" mum said smiling sweetly
I nodded then I went to my room with my bag

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