(Ciara and Clara)

Chapter 2

'Ciara's pov'

I sat on an empty bench and table at the cafeteria at the far end of the cafeteria.
I ate the burger I bought quickly so I could leave for the class in a hurry.
Though I avoided the gaze of other students. I knew a lot of people were staring at me.
*I'm not going to like it here*
Fortunately, phones are permitted during lunch hour.
I fidded with my phone as I sipped the milk.
I received a text from mum
"Are you enjoying your first day?"
I wanted to reply with no but I didn't want to bother.
"Yes" I replied and something hit my head almost immediately after I sent the reply
It was a basketball.
I stood up in anger to face the person that threw the ball and I saw her.
She stood far from me. She had flawless skin.
She stared at me in surprise. I looked at her too, speechless.
She was the version of me I always wanted.
The regular hair and eye colour.
I had those weird hallucinations again so I concluded I was hallucinating.
I pinched myself because I still wasn't convinced that it was a dream.
She kept staring at me. People were murmuring.
I started shaking and I had a panic attack.
*Black out*

'Clara's pov'

I watched her as she fell and fainted. People rushed to meet her but I just stood there not nowing what to do or what to say
Was it really Ciara?.
Doesn't she recognise me?
Ciara's hair was grey and she had light grey colour. I remember she scared kids whenever she looks at people.
I couldn't tell her eye colour from where I stood but I was convinced it was Ciara.
"Is she your sister or cousin or something?" Jenny asked
I eyed her viciously then I left the cafeteria to the school's garden.
A lot of thoughts clouded my mind and I couldn't think straight
The principal sent for me a while later.
I knew I was in trouble but I had to go to avoid punishment.
Ciara was in his office with another woman.
The woman stared at me.
Tears trickled down my cheeks without control
"Can you remember me?. I'm your twin sister" I said
Ciara stared at me with a faint smile.
"If I dyed my hair brown. I'd totally look like you" she replied me
I smiled slightly.
The woman with her was smiling.
"I really can't remember things but I know I have real parents elsewhere. I stayed in a group home for about 7 years. I tried to remember who I was and where I came from but all efforts really never produced anything except migraine and hallucinations. The foster home helped in tracing my family but it yielded no result. Things are happening faster than I imagined" she explained
I brought out a picture we took as a family on our 7th birthday.
She looked at the picture and she started panting heavily
"I think you should take that away from her" the woman frowned
"Principal, please don't call my parents. I can sort this" I told him and he nodded
We left the principal's office and I took them to the garden
"This is my mum" Ciara said
"This is not your real mum" I wanted to say but I figured it'd hurt the woman and it was a rude thing to say
"I never knew you'd leave me this soon but I'm happy for you" Ciara's Foster mum said
I was in tears for few minutes. Ciara's foster mum joined. Ciara didn't cry but she tried to make us calm.
"Mum, thank you but I can't leave till the court asks me to"
"I'm Ciara. What's your name?" She asked me
"How come you're still with the name you were given?"
She brought out a necklace with her name inscribed on it.
"The foster home probably figured this was my name" she chuckled
"Mine is at home. Mum asked me to stop wearing it since it keeps reminding me of you" I explained
"I don't think I can handle all these yet. Please don't let them know you've found me" she pleaded
"I won't tell them till you remember everything and I'm sorry. Please, don't hate me when you remember" I told her
She smiled and she went home with her foster mum.
I went back to the class. A lot of people were gossiping then they stopped when they saw me.
The male senior prefect, Daniel walked in with a cake with my name on it.
I finally found the reason that made my birthday worth celebrating but it still didn't seem right.
Why doesn't she want to meet her real parents?
She's absolutely sure that we're twin sisters because we were pretty Identical.
He placed the cake on my desk and my classmates sang the happy birthday song for me and I blushed happily.
"How did you know it was my birthday" I asked him after school closed for the day
"I checked your records. I had access to it once and I decided to surprise you"  he answered
"Why do you keep coming even when I keep pushing you away?" I asked
"Because I know there's a sweet soul in this bitter person" he said and smiled sweetly.
I hugged him and I hopped home happily
*Birthday Miracle*
I dropped my bag on the bed and I ordered pizza.
"Arrrgh" I shouted when I remembered I forgot to ask Ciara for her number
"Dumb me", I said when I remembered I forgot her birthday

"Ciara's pov"

"mum, please stop crying. I'm not leaving" I told her
"You'll have to go one day. I can't believe you're leaving also" she stated bitterly
"What do you mean by I'm also leaving" I said giving her a quizzical look
"I had a girl. My husband and I named her Danielle. She died in a motor accident at age 10. I never got pregnant after that though it has been confirmed we can still have kids.  When we met at the foster home, I decided to adopt you because your looks were special"
"I don't even know my age but I look 17 right?" I teased
She chuckled and I hugged her
"We'll be fine. I never thought I could be adopted because I was a teenager already"  I sighed and looked away
"I'll miss you" she said
"When we reach the bridge, we'll cross it"  I told her
She explained what happened when her husband came back.
He just shrugged. I felt he was happy with it.

' Clara's pov '
"Happy birthday to you...Happy birthday to you...Happy birthday dear Clara...Happy birthday to you" Mum and Dad sang
I smiled at them for the first time in years.
They got me a cake and I was forced to attend their poorly organised birthday party. I reserved the cake for Ciara. I was tempted to tell them what happened but I didn't want to let Ciara down.
After the dinner, I resorted to my room.
My phone buzzed and I grabbed it from the drawer.
"Hi Clara. It's Daniel" I read out
I scoffed and replied  with " IHow did you get my phone number?"
We chatted till 1am...
Actually , till I slept off

Next Chapter would be posted 3pm tomorrow

Stay tuned

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