(Ciara and Clara)

Chapter 6

'Kelly De Castro's pov'

P.S :Kelly De Castro is Ciara's foster mum

"I wanted to say thank you for watching her while she was in your care" Ethan mimicked Mr. Santos
"The court didn't clear us to adopt her yet. So she wasn't legally totally ours" I stated
"Thanks for watching her like we are baby sitters" he muttered in anger
"I feel bad. It's like we took their daughter. It's like we broke their family"
"It's okay. She's theirs already" he said lowly 
"I can't believe what just just happened" I cried
He wiped my tears with his right thumb
"Just leave me" I yelled
He pulled close to him.
"I don't even know how to take care of my children" I said
"What do you mean by that?"
"I mean I was responsible for the death of our son"
"I've told you countless times not to blame yourself for it. It was an accident"
"And I survived but he died. He'd have been Ciara's age mate and...."
I kept ranting till he shut me up with a kiss 
"Is that what I need right now?" I hissed
"I can't even touch my wife. Kelly, I'm tired"
"You've touched me several times yet none produced a child"
"Are you saying I'm not fertile?"
"I'm saying I'm not fertile"
"You're saying a lot of rubbish. We can still have children. The doctor said we can"
He hissed

*Ciara's POV *

"Mum, dad. I'm back" I yelled
I knew they were at home. The driver told me they were at home
I tried to enter their room but it was locked
My phone buzzed. It was a call from Clara
"Hi big sis" I teased
"Did you say twin sis?" She asked
"Nope. Was that what you heard?" I giggled
"I think so. How are you?" She laughed 
"I'm fine. You want to come over tomorrow?" 
"I called to ask if you wanted me to come over" she chuckled
"I'm going out with my mum and dad but you can come with us"
"Are you serious?. Your mum and dad?. Really?. You can start calling them Mr amd Mrs De Castro now since you're not their foster kid anymore" she shouted
"Clara, let's talk about something else" I replied calmly trying not to sound angry
"I can't come over. We're working on the interior decor for your room"
"Can't we just have the same room?" 
"We're working on your room already. I'll tell them and whatever they say, I'll tell you"
"Yeah. Thanks"
"I have things to tell you" 
"We can chat later then. I have things to attend to here" I answered
 My mum walked in with my dad at her back
"Bye then...Later then"
"Okay...I love you"
"I love you more" she answered
"Not possible" I rolled my eyes as though she were with me
She laughed and she terminated the call.
"Ciara" mum called softly
"Mum. I'm sorry about the judge and all" 
"It's not your fault" she replied and squeezed my hand
"Why are you here?"
"I know you'll miss me dad" I smiled
He smiled and gave an affirming nod
"I came today because of tomorrow's picnic. I know it was a celebration for you legally being my parents but I still want us to do it" I told them
"We're doing it" Dad said
"Yaaaaay" mum danced happily


Two days Later

"You didn't take all your things" Dad said to me as he carried my box
"That's my way of saying I'll always be with you" I replied him
"I'll miss you, Ciara"
"Mum, I'll always be with you. I love you so much" I hugged her
I disengaged some moments later
"Papa, you want a hug?"
"I'll pass" he said and I hugged him for minutes without letting go because I was crying
"Ethan, are you crying?" Mum scoffed
I let go of him. He wiped his tears with the back of his palms
"I know you love me, Dad"
"I love you more than you think I do" he replied and I smiled
"Enough of the too much talk. You'll be late to school" mum told me
Dad carried my box that contained my clothes and books and placed it in the car boot.
The drive to school described roo
I sat in the middle of my mum and dad in the car
Even the driver said he'd miss me
We got to school early. Clara and my mother were already waiting.
I greeted them and they greeted me, mum and dad.
Dad asked my mother to open her car boot then he placed my things in the boot.
We did a group hug one last time.
"I love you mum and dad" I shouted when they were leaving
My mother arched a brow. I think she was stunned that I called them mum and dad.
"So...Ciara, we'll see later right?" Mum asked as she played with my cheeks
"Yes mother" I replied
She seemed surprised that I called her mother too. 
I really wasn't comfortable around her.
"Bye mother" I shouted and I dragged Clara with me to class
"Hey. You never called after friday and you didn't answer my calls"
"I'm sorry. Your mum and dad didn't let me"
"Our" I corrected and she sneered
"Apology not accepted" I pouted
"Huh?. I'm sorry. I didn't mean it that way" I cried
"Easy. Treat me for lunch and I'll forgive you" she laughed
"Okay...I'll do so" 
"I have to go my class" I waved goodbye 
She did the same and I hopped happily to my class
I was too happy to notice someone was running and he hit me.
He was on me and students were murmuring and others were laughing.
Why wasn't he getting up?
He looked back. It was as though he was running away from someone.
"Won't you get up?" I muttered in anger
"Oh. I'm sorry" he said
He stood up and helped me up.
"Really sorry. I have to go. Bye" he yelled and he ran away
I stood up and walked sheepishly to my class

Chapter 7

'Ciara's pov'

Days turned into weeks and weeks into months. I was still tossed around like a coin. I looked forward to seeing my foster parents always
Clara and I had 'Sistership goals'
Well, that's what she calls it. It's a list of 100 silly things we want to do together like have our wedding on the beach, wear matching things, no tasting of alcohol till we are mature enough.
We had our signature at the end of the book then we did a pinky swear to follow every thing.
I got promoted in school. They finally considered me fit for my right class. I had to catch up but reading was really easy.
There was a knock on the door of our room.
"Good morning, mother" I greeted
"Good morning dear" she said with a slight smile
I nodded waiting for her to explain why she was here
"So...Your dad suggested a dinner to celebrate your success" she said calmy
"What success?" I asked with a blank thought
"The principal told me you topped your present class so your dad saud we should have a dinner"
"It isn't worth it" I sneered
"Celebrating your success gives you the gusto to do more"
"It doesn't matter"
"I got you and Clara a dress already. Will you say no to mummy? or don't you love me"
Emotional blackmail...
"Ok ma" 
"You don't have to be formal. You can just say mum" she said after a hug
"Yeah...Yeah" I shrugged 
"The dinner is tonight. We'll just eat out" she added with a broad smile
Later that evening

"your dress suits perfectly" Clara complimented
"Thanks sis" I replied
She pouted then took of her dress
"Why did you take it off?"
"It's not my perfect size and green is not my colour" she fumed
She picked another dress then we went to join our parents in the car.
My mother looked at her and she shook her head.
"You look amazing, Ciara" my father said with a slight chuckle
I blushed with a sheepish smile
We ordered food and we started eating amd talking about things.
Clara was surprisingly quiet.
She broke rule number 2. She was wearing a totally different outfit from mine.
"What's this dinner for anyway?" Clara asked
I suddenly remembered that I didn't tell her about it.
"Erm...Erm" I stammered
"Oh. We forgot, honey" mum said then she hit her forehead with her palm.
"Oh yeah...Raise your glasses everyone" mum announced and we all did
But Clara didn't. 
"Cheers to Ciara's exceptional excellence in school" Mum yelled happily
Our cups clutched
Clara flinched.
"So...You're saying you picked a dress when you know I don't like green. You don't even know my dress size and you mean we're here sitting to celebrating Ciara because she topped her class. Do you not care about my feelings" Clara blurted out
"It's not like that, Clara" I defended
"Just shut up and let me talk" Clara snapped
I gasped in amusement
"I represented the school for a competition and I won a trophy. Isn't that worth celebrating? Or the principal didn't tell you" Clara said calmly
My mother tried to slap her but my father held her hand.
"Clara, I didn't want to do this" I said in tears
"Ever since you came into our has been pain. When you left, pain. You're the perfect definition of pain" Clara cried pointing at me
"I didn't even want to do this. Your mother forced me. Don't blame me" I shouted then I picked my bag nd I ran.
I stopped a taxi when I noticed that no one was following me.
I told him to take me to my foster parent's house
I used my key to open the door and I went to their room.
I saw mum in the toilet. Her head dipped in the toilet bowl as she vomited.
"Mum, what's wrong?"I rushed to her
"I'm fine. I probably ate something bad" she replied with a faint smile
I helped her to the bed
"Why are you here?" She asked
"Clara and I had a misunderstanding. I got hurt and I left" I answered
She nodded with a slight smile
"Where's my dad?" I asked her then I laid beside her
"He went on a business trip. He'd be back 
"Should I call him so he would return earlier?"
"No, I'm fine. I'll go to the hospital tomorrow"
I hugged her and I closed my eyes that way with her hands wrapped around me. I felt loved. She had the aura of love around her.
She kissed my forehead thinking I had slept.
I opened my eyes and she smiled then asked me to sleep.
"Why are you not asleep?"
"I want to watch my child till she sleeps" she said and I smiled
She still loves me like her own.
"Lord, please give her own child" I prayed silently
The Next day

I woke up 5:30am then I made breakfast for mum.
She woke up few minutes later. She looked sick. I told her to dress up.
I forced her to take breakfast and she puked few minutes later.
I followed her to the hospital. I told the doctor to be admitted till evening and I'll be ready to pick her up by that time.
I went to school from there. I saw Daniel. I waved at him. He looked at me then he looked away.
I moved close to him
"Hi Daniel" I said
"Why did you make Clara cry?"
"She should blame her mum not me. I'm totally innocent"
"I don't actually care about what you have to say. She can't see you with me. I don't want issues" he answered and he walked away
I went to Clara's class during break.
Her head was on the table. I tapped her and she lifted her head up.
She glared at me and said "leave" calmly
"I want us to talk"
"I don't want to. Leave me alone, please" she pleaded calmly
Why won't she want to talk to me?
I tried to drag her out of the class. She held my hand and pinched it till I screamed in pain.
"I know I tried my best" I yelled then I went to the school garden which has become my comfort zone. 
My phone rang and it was a class from mum.
"Ciara, how are you?" She said sounding excited
"I'm fine mum. Glad to know you're better because you sound happy"
"I can't wait to leave here, actually. Have you spoken to Clara already?"
"Tried to. She said she doesn't want to talk and I left her" I replied and she laughed
"We'll talk when you're back. Don't forget me in the hospital" she warned
"Yes mum. Bye mum" I said lowly
"Bye baby" she replied
I terminated the call and tears rolled down my cheek.
"Ciara" someone called
I turned to look at the person
"Hi...Do I know you?"
"Yes. I ran into you yesterday"
"You fell me, you mean"
"I'm sorry" he apologised
"Yeah. Nice guitar" I complimented
The guitar was really beautiful. It was blue and white. 
"Why were you crying?" He asked
"A tear rolled down my cheek. I wanted to sneeze" I lied
"We know you're lying. It's okay to have issues with your sister" he smiled
"How did you know?"
"You yelled at her in her class today"
"Are you her classmate?"
"Oui" he replied sharply
I was crying but I didn't understand why I was crying.
"You don't have to cry" he said sweetly
"I miss my sister" I sobbed loudly
He placed his guitar on his lap.
Do I look so pathetic that he wanted to sing for me?
"When my brother and I have issues. I just sing him this song and we make up and we're back together" he said
"Why should we fight?...Why should we quarrel?" He sang then he stopped
"Close your mouth and stop the weird look. I know I have an amazing voice" he bragged
"Just continue" I rolled my eyes
Actually, amazing was an understatement.
" Why should we fight?
   Why should we quarrel?
   We're meant to be together in all things
   We're meant to go through storms together
   I'm stuck with you
   And no one needs to know if we're not okay
We're in everything together
We'll go places...together
 You're going nowhere...I'm staying here with you
We're going all the way together
 We're a family
We're a family...I'll keep loving you
Even when you mess up or I mess uo
We're a family no matter what
Together forever...Together forever" he sang
I tried to hold back tears but then I let it all out freely
"Can I write the song to her as a letter?" I asked politely
"My voice is magical. It made you cry" he grinned broadly
"You know you're ugly when you cry" he stated
"I'm ugly when I cry or when I don't" I told him
"You're actually beautiful" he said
It felt like the first time I'll hear it.
"Thanks" I blushed sheepishly
"Stop blushing" he teased then he ran away and I chased him

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O Lord God , I believe with all my heart in Jesus Christ , son of the Living God. I believe HE died for me and God raised HIM from the dead. I believe HE is alive today . I confess with my mouth that Jesus Christ is the Lord of my Life from this day. Through HIM and in HIS Name , I have eternal Life; I'm born again. Thank YOU Lord , for saving my soul ! I'm now a child of God.

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