Inspired by the Holy Spirit ❤️✨ My Rhapsody Testimony (Rhapsody of Realities edition). I laid on my bed and sang along as the song played. It was the Rhapsody of Realities reach out Nigeria season and I was so excited because I stared at the season and I went through the convictions I had concerning sponsoring the Rhapsody of Realities. "Number one," I said "When the Lord asks me in Heaven, "what did you do with Rhapsody', I want to say 'I took it to the whole world' ". My Pastor says "If you use 'being shy about preaching the Gospel' as an excuse for not winning souls in Heaven. God will say 'I gave you, Rhapsody. What did you do with it? That's because, with the Rhapsody of Realities, you can start a conversation" I remember every single detail about the day I got saved. It was God. The Rhapsody of Realities played a major part in the conversation that led to making Jesus the Lord of my life. My legs ached so...